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Origin of the Night Elves – World of Warcraft Lore

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Origin of the night elves as explained in World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1. Going through the evolution to the formation of the empire.
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In this video I cover the lore and the origin of the night elves. Going through their evolution from the dark trolls to their discovery of the Well of Eternity. Later I explain the story of their transformation and the creation of Azshara’s empire that would rule most of Azeroth. Almost all of this lore is from World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, although a lot of the old lore was quite similar.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. What did the Kaldorei do in the 10.000 years between the end of the War of the Ancients and the events of Warcraft 3? The Quel'dorei sailed to Tirisfal, then moved on to found Quel'Thalas and created Silvermoon, one of the most beautiful cities. And they had an extensive history with the neighbouring humans and trolls. The Shal'dorei managed to save their city of Suramar, and their isolated society thrived. But the Kaldorei did nothing worth mentioning, apart from the War of the Shifting Sands. They had the entire continent of Kalimdor for 10.000 years, and they never built any great monuments or cities. They didn't even have a capital city before Darnassus, and that was created after the events of Warcraft 3, making it the newest capital city (if we don't count the Exodar a city). For the oldest race. It's like they ceased to exist in that long period. And now they are taking orders from humans. It really is a disgrace how Blizzard couldn't cook up more history for such an ancient and interesting race.

  2. I played a night elf for two years. Somehow never realized they were formerly trolls. Mind blown. Makes sense though, given how they look somewhat similar.

  3. Elves were literally blessed with the blood of an old god. They are vastly superior to trolls, regardless of what people say. Elves are constructed of magic, troll blood, and near titanic energy. It is literally stupid to say that the elves are not the strongest race of the playable in Azeroth. Illidan Stormrage. Maiev Shadowsong, Tyrande Whisperwind, all of these characters play a part in what matters. The trolls are but a sub-species in the general run of the entire story.

    I feel sorry for the nu-world of warcraft viewers who take a look at the current situation of warcraft and realize that anime wings and hot big tits is the lore. I feel truly sorry for you. I wish you could participate in the awesomeness that was the launch and old days of World of Warcraft.

  4. I played a night elf rogue till northrend came out. It inspired my own lore for my illustrated novel series "Chronicles of Alkaya" my character Jaypar Prakkari is a lunar elf/avariel elf he was born without wings, rogue assassin that can shadow jump with umbrakinesis and bend the light around him with cloaking photokinesis. He's not as tall as a night elf only 6'4" 200lbs he's got dark hair cut like the goblin king jareth. He's got glowing green eyes that are adapted to seeing in the dark. In book four in my series "Alkaya: the lightening strikes at night" we follow jaypar on his mission to the darkside of the moon. First he must find the lunar saber or sword of truth an ancient alkayan artifact hidden on mt everest. When he finds the saber he holds it above his head and he's struck by a bolt of ultraviolet lightening and is instantly transported to the palace of the white witch/shadow priestess on the darkside of the moon. She trains jaypar how to use glamour magick and he becomes a Glamancer aka the westside wizard. With her help he finds the air temple to battle the gargoyle king the lunar saber is the only blade sharp enough to cut his flesh. After defeating the king he recovers the air Empyro a biomechanical symbiotic suit of armor that adjusts to conform to the host and is imbued with the elemental power aerokinesis. Think venom meets iron man meets the last airbender. There are three other Empyros that we find in the previous books book one the earth book Alkaya: the legend of Empyro you can find on amazon we find the earth empyro in south America. Alkaya is a parallel world of earth so the geography and names for places are the same. The host for the geo empyro is my younger brothers character bantam bumeril the wood elf demon hunter. The second book Alkaya: The rising tide follows my older brothers character Ferrick Vatten the whale man warrior on his mission to the water temple in the Mariana trench. The third book Alkaya: the wyldfyre follows Kolobar Avlossa the lion manimal pyromancer shaman to the fire temple located at mt. Hood oregon. The fifth book Alkaya: the holy light follows Sabria Masue the high elf holy paladin she discovers there's a fifth Empyro hidden in Egypt that enhances her photokinesis abilities. She's the heals and gets the team together she must solve the riddle of the sphinx. The sixth book Alkaya: the enveloping shadow follows Arnvatta the dark elf repticon and lead singer of dressed for genocide, as he steals an Empyro and they mimic the Empyros technology creating the shadow suit and synth empyros granting enhanced umbrakinesis. The last book in the series is book seven Alkaya: The immortal spirit. After our heroes save their realm from the great shadow dragon Lucifer they decide their work isn't done so they decide to save the multiverse by falling through the void. They end up on earth with their memories erased. Jaypar is the only one whos memories are triggered by different symbols in their realm. When i turned 16 i had a kundalini awakening the doctors called it a manic episode but i knew it was a spiritual emergence and remembered my life in Alkaya. Book seven is almost autobiographical because i talk about my experiences being hospitalized and waking up to my true potential finding the Empyros and save earth from reptilian fascists. You can listen to my audiobook accompaniment here

  5. huh? i never knew night elves have troll blood in them but anyway i find the night elves to be the most beautiful women it all of world of warcraft everytime i see a night elf female i'm always in awe and in love with their unique beauty

  6. whoa… never would have thought night elves descended from trolls. its weird to think about elves and trolls being related but watching their body structure/anatomy I can actually see how they could be related.

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