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The New War Within Login Screen is… (Ranking all the World of Warcraft Login Screens)

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  1. As someone unbiased against SL (didn't play during that time and only learned it was awful a year after it was over), the SL login screen is up there with the best ones for me! At least A tier I would say!

  2. I don't really like the new one, but I will reverse that opinion if it breaks even more during Midnight, and then completely breaks open and reveals something on the other side in Last Titan.

  3. I kept waiting for you to load in, and I was like that's it? Have to say so far War within looks a bit like a rehashed Cataclysm. But at least Cata has a badass login screen, first time I saw deathwing i was like hell yeah! God please bring back the war in warcraft…but 🙁 i doubt it will.

  4. i think my main problem with the new log-in screen is that it doesn't show anything. all the previous screens showed you a glimpse of the world you're about to enter, that there's something here and it's worth checking out, (even if some could of used more planning).
    but here, we get nothing. i really hope something changes with another patch, otherwise it's just bland and incredibly disappointing.

  5. I just realized I haven't seen a login screen since Dreanor, cause I play WoW through Bnet launcher and it just gets you right to character selection screen.

  6. I like BfA login screen if they changed the background to some field after battle or something like that. It gives me strong warcraft 3 atmosphere

  7. For me it goes:
    11. War Within – it's just a glowy circle thing, really?!
    10. Dragonflight – Everything looks TOO still and drawn on, although I like those elements in some login screens and the 3d dragon models seem out of place too. Not a fan of the soundtrack either.
    9. Legion – I never played Legion back then but something about the tomb of gul'dan as a login screen seems so unfitting and it's so off centre too, oh and those goofy looking demon models just standing there, not a fan.
    8. Cata – not a huge fan of the weird looking Deathwing model just sitting on Stormwind like that, maybe it's the pose I'm not sure. But they could have probably picked something more iconic to cataclysm like the maelstrom/deepholm or something.
    7. BFA – it's simple but I like it and the buildup is nice and the WoW theme is clearly audible
    6. Wotlk – I like it but it takes too long to get to the actual WoW theme part, you'll have probably logged in by then and the only time you'll hear it is probably after a D/C. Oh and that damn zombie dragon!
    5. Shadowlands – I love the symmetry on this one and the imagery of ICC collpasing into the shadowlands. Wrath's should have been more like this one in my opinion.
    4. WoD – Bad expansion, great login screen. I love how the dark portal bursts to life and it's a throwback to the TBC login screen but more illustrated rather than 3d models. Oh and that horn at the start.
    3.MoP – I love the almost painted on looking artstyle of the statues that blend in so well with the 3d models too, and the buildup to the soundtrack is great.
    2. TBC – The dark portal is epic,especially with the extended soundtrack with all the blood elven parts.
    1. Classic – Can't beat that iconic OG login screen andsoundtrack.

    Oh I forgot to mention, some of the best login screens imo will frame the log in details boxes in some way, like the various dark portal screens or MoP's statues.

  8. OG one is honestly the only one I remember, I played up to early Cataclysm but don't really remember seeing BC/WotLK/Cata screens. Did the battlenet app bypass the login screen? if that's the case its quite likely I never actually did see the other login screens.

  9. Legion's login screen was yet another portal. Just a Burning Legion thing flown in and dropped from who-knows-where. The green beam aimed up at the sky is the wifi/data stream I assume. I'm no fel scientist though.

  10. Vanila/Clasic 10/10; man the old clasic was just, yeah sorry nostalgia is a 10/10 xD
    burning crusade 7/10; well its kinda just the reverse of classic so not as high but ehhhh still not too bad for what it was
    wrath of the light king 9/10; sure its way more thematic and the dragon too easily beats BC but not quite the nostalgia of classic but just damn
    cataclism … ehhhhhhh 5/10; like its very opposite of wrath with the fire and such but ehhhhh
    mists of pandaria 8/10; way way better than cata and gave a very open feeling like we are on a new adventure in a new world which fits very well with mist
    Warlords of drainor 3/10; just like everything related to dranor trying to bait nostalgia with nothing of actual value, would have been better without the over the top glow
    Legion 6/10; set the tone I guess but felt kinda off I am tbh of exactly the same opinion of it as Crebdor
    Battle for azeroth 7/10; feels very under done but fit the tone very well and felt very "we are back to war" just wish the story was done better and wasn't just someone's fanfic
    shadow lands 5/10; felt very nostalgia bait like its ok just not amaizing
    Dragonflight 8/10; same opinion as crendor, feels very much like mist new adventure vibes
    warwithin …… 2/10 …. this is a placeholder right ? please say it is its embarrassing would be a 1 but I give them the benefit of the doubt for now

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