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I Played League of Legends for THE FIRST TIME

I tried playing league of legends and this is what happend, absolute blast playing the game, it was more fun tha i thought. Anyways see you guys soon.

Songs in this video are from:
ludwig and schlatt musical emporium

#leagueoflegends #funny #memes

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  1. I've played it. Wasn't addicted. I was just turned off as I wS trying to learn a few champs and how this game works got flamed constantly for being a feeder. Like ok damn was just learning 😭

  2. 10:04 you are wrong, actually 100% wrong, you dont need to learn the game to enjoy it, if you learn the game you only learn how fucking disgusting it is and how riot doesnt give a shit and how much the comunity sucks.

    the only thing you learn is how much you dont want to play this game anymore. its fun when you dont know anything

  3. As I like to make new accounts and play from the beginning… I believe it's better for lol to not allow that and the fact you can play with 100lvl friends…because they destroy the game for the new players…and I don't understand some people who like to destroy the joy for others

  4. Sorry to burst your bubble but thats riot and league NO ONE GIVES A $#!? if your new and their is a steep learning curb and thus game will be mentally taxing. Not trying to offend by no means but if you come in league as a casual gamer "its just a game"… uninstall right now cause I don't want to see this game bring you down mentally. But if you want to try further i suggest learn what the 5 positions do in league and go from their have somone break down this game for you.

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