Hi all! In this Dutch ASMR video I’ll be trying out the new Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft mic and do an exploration of Thunder Bluff in WoW to test the sound. This is not a sponsored video. I hope you’ll enjoy it! 🙂
Hey iedereen! In deze Nederlandse ASMR video test ik de nieuwe Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft microfoon in een exploration van Thunder Bluff.
Dit is geen gesponsorde video. Ik mocht het product gratis testen! 🙂
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PayPal tips can be sent to: Cherriasmr@gmail.com
Thank you so much for your love and support ♥
xx Chaeri
Ok so I TRIED to translate the video and add subtitles but JEEZ that takes a lot of time…
So, I've managed to translate the first unboxing part but haven't gotten to the remaining 15 mins of gameplay.
I might add that later but now at least you can understand the first bit! 🙂
as a dutch person (belgian) who has been raised by russian parents and dutch in the mix i am moving to the united kingdom to live my life with my fiance 3 languages ayooo
Niet fijne mic het is te luid sorry
I cannot understand anything you said, but this video is great! Dutch language is awesome too!
My headset mic stopped working so I searched Amazon and the WoW Yeti was the first mic that came up. It is a nice upgrade from headset mic. I have a mic stand, but I need to get a pop filter.
For the Alliance 💙 love your wallpaper
what headphones are you using?
11:47 lekker plat neen
Jaaa meer NL meer NL
Super appreciate the subtitles ♥️
Don’t understand but LOVE
Super helpful thank you, Happy to see our channel is so successful you deserve it.
Fantastic 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
mooi mic zege (haha die muismat ) als je wilt vaker Nederlandstalig ASMR
I love hearing you speak Dutch, your native tongue. So pretty sounding in whisper 🙂 Also, that old chair behind you is beautiful. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!
I think it's the most popular game in the world, everyone love it and I can understand why, those graphics are more than stunning💚💚💚💜☝🏻
Didn't know she spoke Dutch. Im high and like thinking is it her or me? So confused lol
ok now I'm gonna sleep so well
Yes, I agree
Die muismat hahaha. Love it
Shadowlands pre patch is er bijna en ben zo hyped over de nieuwe customisations
Hopelijk wordt shadowlands beter dan bfa, naisu video iig 🙂
Oh yes! Dutch ASMR 😍
Kind of a weird question but is Dutch and Deutsch the same?
goeie video ik wist niet dat je nederlands was je engels is echt heel goed ga zo door
Shadowlands in 30 minutes!
Ik vind de nederlandse video's echt tof! Veranderd de sfeer heel erg! Wat ook wel eens een leuke verandering is! Goede mic! Ben je er zelf ook blij mee?
De microfoon klinkt goed c:
Waar woon jij?
Mooi hoor!..Ook nog WoW edition! 😉
Do you plug your headset into the Yeti or computer when streaming/recording like this?
Silvermoon city is ook mooi.
Je Engels is best wel goed moet ik zeggen
waar heb je die gekocht? ik wil die ook kopen
WTF ik wist niet dat Blue yeti een partnership heeft met WoW?
why the hell is she whispering lol
I started to learn dutch a few months ago and I can say, that I understood much more than I did in your last dutch video 😀
Thanks for the relaxing video, greetings from Germany 🙂
Grats on getting this as a sponsored video. Blue yeti + WoW, it's very fitting!
It's a shame they focused so much of the intricate designs on the Microphone Stand – in my opinion that's the worst part of the mic, especially if you're using it for gaming/streaming. They need to make a decent mic boom!
idk why, but dutch feels similar with english to me