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Dutch ASMR | Blue Yeti X: World of Warcraft Mic Unboxing & In-Game Test (Exploring)

Hi all! In this Dutch ASMR video I’ll be trying out the new Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft mic and do an exploration of Thunder Bluff in WoW to test the sound. This is not a sponsored video. I hope you’ll enjoy it! 🙂

Hey iedereen! In deze Nederlandse ASMR video test ik de nieuwe Blue Yeti X World of Warcraft microfoon in een exploration van Thunder Bluff.

Dit is geen gesponsorde video. Ik mocht het product gratis testen! 🙂

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Thank you so much for your love and support ♥

xx Chaeri

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  1. Ok so I TRIED to translate the video and add subtitles but JEEZ that takes a lot of time…
    So, I've managed to translate the first unboxing part but haven't gotten to the remaining 15 mins of gameplay.
    I might add that later but now at least you can understand the first bit! 🙂

  2. as a dutch person (belgian) who has been raised by russian parents and dutch in the mix i am moving to the united kingdom to live my life with my fiance 3 languages ayooo

  3. My headset mic stopped working so I searched Amazon and the WoW Yeti was the first mic that came up. It is a nice upgrade from headset mic. I have a mic stand, but I need to get a pop filter.

  4. I love hearing you speak Dutch, your native tongue. So pretty sounding in whisper 🙂 Also, that old chair behind you is beautiful. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!

  5. I started to learn dutch a few months ago and I can say, that I understood much more than I did in your last dutch video 😀
    Thanks for the relaxing video, greetings from Germany 🙂

  6. It's a shame they focused so much of the intricate designs on the Microphone Stand – in my opinion that's the worst part of the mic, especially if you're using it for gaming/streaming. They need to make a decent mic boom!

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