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Solo zombies At Its Best and Worst

Do You Like MW3? Many parts of the game have changed in the recent days! Missions are alot of fun!

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  1. on wich server are you playing on? when i join a game, after 28 seconds there is someone at the triangles 🧐 and after a minute the whole lobby in redzone

  2. I get u make lots of zombies vids but man why even bother for now? That lag would make me rag an say fuck that game! It's bad enough when ur on the bike an start driving into walls an shit but the lag u get? Fuck that!

  3. Try the HCR LMG from MW2 with the 100 round mag and the stock thing that increases your ammo reserve. Pack-a-punching it increases the mag size to 200 and you get 1250 rounds in reserve. The movement isn't bad for an LMG and it hits pretty good.

  4. Why is my game lagging when I have good internet?

    Network latency is how long it takes for data to travel between its source and destination. The lower the latency, the better. If you're gaming with high latency, you might tell your character to walk forward but they won't actually move for a few seconds. This is what causes lag.

  5. So Ive noticed several times if you fall off when the reward rift appears, you can’t go to the stairs on the left or it disappears! I guess it goes out of the frame too too much! I always go to the right of the columns and it doesn’t disappear 👍🏻

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