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Today, let’s talk about old league of legends. With all the new changes for Preseason / Season 2023, like the new jungle and jungle companions, as well as ravenous hydra, spear of shojin, and the new jungle rework… it’s made me want to think about the good ol’ days. This video was written, produced, edited, and voiced by Kellen (Exil)
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Music in this video comes from Epidemic Sound
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Hecarim top lane 2015 Wingsofdeath
Old league of legends winter map:
League tips, using rift herald
Preseason League of Legends new objective
Pinkward Shaco
ARAM league of legends lux
Lee sin jungle
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S34 is the only memory of league stuck forever in my mind.
Thing when decision make sense. when rune/ mastery matter. not the hyper nerf on rune nowaday but put too much resource on in game objective.
for example. conqueror max stack, even if you deal 3k dmg on the progress. you heal 240hp. What the matter. back at the early days of new rune page. conqueror deal additional 10% of dmg deal to true dmg, heal that amount. that much more impact to 8% of dmg deal, post mitigrate.
I’m new but I remember my sister playing it back in 2011 and I remember it looked scary. I feel like the graphics were more detailed before they upgraded it to the more “hip” and modern cartoonish graphics
"The players, stinkier."
I dunno about that one chief.. they pretty bad now adays lmao
The good old days of 5 heart of golds because unique item passives stacked
Man I do miss these days
Never really played league again since back then. Spend my teenage years with Instalok and new map after school almost everyday. Even met my first gf on Summoners Rift with Skype.
I got back a little recently and its just not the same game anymore. Just shed a tear for a moment with this vid, life indeed was just simplier back then.
Love to you all with my season 3 Frejlord axes icon since when the game was great.
1:38 you dare to challange me? (im playing since sezon 1)
Season 3 was the best
When no one cares about herald 😂
I was waiting for the Nidalee one hahaha played since beta and made my first pentakill with her, those oneshot spears are worth crying over xd
Old league was that sauce
Old league was absolutely peak. Wrigglers lantern was a godsend for Udyr, Warwick, and Master Yi. Farming until it turned into Feral Flare and becoming a monster was peak. I want the old Udyr back so bad. The new Udyr is so absolute dogshit. And i want Wrigglers Lantern back. Gimme real jungle items back.
Every change made the game more unbalanced.
Easy example with mages, one of their weakness was getting oom, now who has seen a mage even getting low on mana lately ?
Miss my twisted tree line
i remember when the whole rift had a rework in design. which oddly took place RIGHT after dawn gate closed and looked way to similar to their map… :O
Your ass, old league was the reason we still play this dogshit game, the slim chance that the game will return to be as great as it once was, even though… we know it wont.
0:44 "don't appreciate .. how much this game has changed… " – maybe you forgot about the fact that LoL is 15 years old. Most of players are are not much older than that.
Old Yoric hidden for new players because he was too op. (He was never in free rotation).
Why riot dont make a legacy mode from S1?
9:45 Ah yes, the Dragon that even if you gave him the order to attack an enemy champion, would still attack the minion next to it… it had such great ai, it had like a 20% chance it would do what you tell it to with a 35% chance after that to just randomly change target being stuck in attack animation
OId League > New League
Main thing I disagree with is League looking better now. I still much prefer the old look
I'm pretty sure the players today do not smell any better
I was hoping to see denyplank 😂 it was so broken league had to change his E immediately
Bro, as a veteran, new league is weird. Why the hell does everyone explode everyone now? Adcs have the burst of assassins and combat mages, mages can cut through tank stats, fucking tanks kill squishy champions in 1 rotation. What the hell happened to the slow and tactical game that existed 7 years ago? Before, if anyone but an assassin jumped on you you'd have roughly two ability rotations to get them off you at most points in the game. Now fucking mundo flashes on you and you die before you finish your combo. And like, as a tank, 95% of mages were easy kills back then. You would simply out last their dps, then run them down. Now a mage with a single magic pen item can shred a 5000 hp tank in 1 combo. Why are everyone's damage numbers SOOOO incredibly high?
I miss the time where HP had multiple stages, like 80% or 25%, today its full or dead since everything just blows up
God I miss that Darius I ONLY played him like a legend back then
Jesus, i started to play in LOL in 2013.. but it doesnt mean, i played contantly, with breaks, but still, i remember those days very well..
Old rift herald is one of my favorite designs for some reason
Old League was better honestly… A lot of people tell others how bad some of the stuff was… But it was the best… Like most reworks we see from old champs like Nunu, Tahm and similar happen because the champs were TOO strong…
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Old league was better*
Old league is best! First 5 seasons.
You didn't have to 'buy homeguard for the first 7 years', as it was only in the game for a little less than 3 years, and was only added 3 years after release.
Bring back Dominion and pre-rework Karma
The times with the jungle items and the boot enchantment were already late. We didn't have neither for YEARS. The enchantment did not exist in the first seven years, they only appeared very late. Also with the old Darius E you would usually invade the opposing jungle, hide behind a wall, start a backport, then use E in the bush were you expected the opponent and it would fling him right back to your base where he'd be killed by the tower.
Elixir of fortitude start smurfing Khazix mid lane unironically one shotting me level 2 while I’m learning the game
Video starts at 3:30
0:30 you started talking straight up shit
double jungling is back in msi
I'm an ancient league player. Vayne was the "newest released champion" when I started. I also have about 5k hours in league before my main was permanently banned.
I've been sober from my league addiction for years but about a year or two ago I started playing a few games and later week longs stints of Wild Rift. I'll play for about a week or two straight, realize I'm getting addicted again, and then delete it for about a week or two.
Wild rift right now reminds me of when league was good. Like real good. And fun. I know that will change soon but for now, I really enjoy it.
Bro, I miss Irelia's flying blade skateboard.
i started playing the game when ekko launched, i did not realize how much this game changed wow.
7:33 for people who dont know this item legit gave you virtually infinite mana (if you had 10mp5, but were down 50% health…. it would be 15mp5 and when really low your mana regen essentially doubles (meaning when you need it the most you get the most regen), and there were few champions were just the chalice of harmony part didn't give you enough mana to spam abilities hoever you wanted. It wasn't uncommon for anyone to buy that who had mana in aram because of the mr+mana regen. I still remember my friend who was a tank main buying chalice of harmony on several different ap tanks (in aram). personally i think the current regular game (summoners rift) punishes hard mana users too much, especially considering they nerfed mana as a whole AFTER removing and nerfing the best mana items. It wasn't urf cooldowns wise, but you could pretty much just start chucking abilities on cooldown once you got that item. If it sounds broken, assassins still smashed these champs most of the time with their broken abilities and items (like armor penetration.) Life steal/armor pen was over-tuned on the ad side, and mana regen over-tuned on the ap side. It was hard to complain about mana when champs like old Akali existed and was arguably one of the most broken soloq champs to ever exist. If you dont agree that the mana nerfs were too harsh, why cant mages even have a mana potion? it's like riot are saying "you need to run out of mana, and if you do you shouldn't have a way to get it back without going to fountain or being gifted blue."
TLDR i miss all the theory crafting of old league, now people legit just import runes/builds from someone with a different playstyle and rank. i brought up how unbelievably unique it was to build ryze… even his masteries were legit "only this champion uses this, no other champ does anything like this." I created armor pen varus before "sniper varus" even existed and went on the craziest run of my career simply because i theory crafted something that worked… and hadn't been done before. Armor pen varus had almost a ban rate around 70%+ in competitive because of how strong this was. I really miss people reacting to your build genuinely seeing for the first time and being like "ghostblade on varus? and your carrying??? YOU KILLED ME IN 2 ARROWS??? how is this possible!??!"
its cazy how much i miss wards and potions.
i used to play with my friend i remember he is jax and me Yi staying in the push all the time and when everyone came we kill them xD good times, and i was thinking AP items works on abiliites and AD items works on AA so i was playing ap yi
Things i miss: modes such as Ascension, hexakill snd tf ranked
Champions: Old fiora ult, old irelia, old graves
Ranking: i would always fill for top/support and had so much fun playing ranked which is completely different nowadays.
Client: checking abilities of the champion and history before you start the game
Worlds: i feel like lol isn't amymore a game for nerds but just a huge event for the championships which for the sake of winning are taking away all the fun out of the game.
Sion lvl 1 jungle start and tp lane after hitting lvl 2 i miss so much or making +35 armor runes and W start malphite and see 100 armor in stats