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0:00 – Camera Work
2:49 – Addons
4:54 – When To Push
7:05 – Don’t Take Damage Without Dealing Damage
8:40 – Target Selection
10:47 – Goal Keep Your Healer
11:58 – Don’t Waste Your Mobility
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Its still wild that you legit can't compete without ADDONS
What ui is that to show all the bars above people
If you have Problems to kill a reroll ret with a warrior :l2p
If you have Problems to kill a reroll ret with a warlock :l2p
If you have Problems to kill a reroll ret with a rogue :l2p
Here we go, stone – scissore – paper
can they help with getting to elite? cause im stuck at 2100-2200 in solo
Regarding the Camera work Section … Could you explain to me how come Xaryu play rogue and mage with a crappy Zoomed in camera Yet he is Rank 1 player on both classes .. ROFL
My gladius keep showing the lua error and i got the latest version! I love to see nothing while my teammates get slaugthered
script and voice over 10/10 kept me engaged the whole way through.
2:07 hard for a dk player to have a good grip, huh? I see what you did there, SC!
How to play melee: turn off raid frames (you won't look at status of teammates anyways), trinket the first slow / root that is on you, press all your buttons in any order, flame healer when you die behind a Pilar without using any cds (won't happen too often because melee is broken and brain dead easy)
#1 tip : be a ret paladin
tips for others: you can make different bars on omnibars, so you can easily track and separate, for example, kicks, stun, defensives, etc
and if im not wrong, u can even separate enemy players on rows
I will give you one TIP for free. JUST PLAY RET.
Making all these decisions in a spilt second is why I'm stuck at 1800 and will never get glad. I do admire the pros how they can notice so much in so little time.
An alternate to Omnibar, at least to see enemy defensives, is NameplateCD. I use it for all my enemies, while saving omnibar specifically for kicks.
A Ret main who gets queued into a SS lobby with the usual 2 hunters and a mage, RSham and also a Holy paladin. “Oh yeah, Rets are the problem.” This was a solid guide, though. Those of us who hate playing caster classes have pursuit and targeting be such an important part of our gameplay
just play ret and click avenging wrath , grind the other classes u will get 6wins
Knowing when to pull out can significantly increase your /played time
Even if your guide was named' master in 1hr ' we could still watch the whole thing while we wait for solo to pop.
Should make a video on how to go against rets in the current pach
Tip #1 – Roll Caster
No need to watch the video. Here are your 7 tips:
1) Play a ret
2) Play a ret
3) Play a ret
4) Play a ret
5) Play a ret
6) Play a ret
7) Play a warr (if queueing with a ret)
While the UI of WoW have been improved in Dragonflight, it still needs a lot of work imo. It sucks when you are paying for a game and still have to download some third-party addons in order to see what's happening in the game. Convenient, functional and effective UI needs to be a part of the game itself and fully cover all its aspects and scenarios. But it's unlikely that a small indie studio like Blizzard will ever update it to the needed level.🥱
Query – You comment about enemy players available defensives, but Gladius isn't showing those. Are you making that determination, because you're NOT seeing those CD's on OmniBar?
i have the best tip ….. play warrior and just zugzug
Ohh yah i know, play Ret!!!
Tip 1: Just Play Ret.
Timestomp pls 🙂
How to improve your melee rating… Go Ret.
also available in german?
Should take a poll for how many people quit after Ret update
Love how all the comments are people bitching, the wow PvP community is probably the whiniest I've seen lmfao
8th best tip: play ret
Best tip for melee? Zug-zug
Lol, don't need 15min to tell people to press W.
Help rdruids in pvp ! They suxx at everything now
Ret, ret, ret, annnnnnnnd ret