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**FREE** NEW SNIPER! (Season 6 Battle Pass Gameplay+Reaction) | Call of Duty Mobile | COD Tips

In today’s COD Mobile sponsored video we show off the brand new Season 6 BattlePass with the new free sniper and all the skins!!
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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: I’m so alone – BOJET

#CODMobile_Partner #CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming

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  1. Ahh the good old days……when the community is just peacefully enjoying the game……few hackers and just a few toxic ones……deym hope this game will last without toxic ppl.

  2. Hey is anyone else having problems with the br seasonal missions ? I'm on the mission that says "get to the top ten with no kills on battle Royale. I've done it twice, I didnt kill anyone on the first round until 3 players were left and the round I just finished I didnt kill anyone until the last 5 teams. It still hasnt completed the task

  3. thoughts on LK24

    for some reason actually i feel like the LK24 is so underrated? i dont see it in any top 5 guns anywhere but based from gameplay the gun destroys people with very minimal recoil.

    i would actually like to see more in depth statistics and comparisons specifically for the LK24.

    like if you guys agree :))

  4. Im Really Struggling My Rank Is Master 3 But The Players Are Really Tough I Need Sensitivity And A Custom Layout Anybody Have Recommendation? I Am Using A Smartphone Not A Tablet

  5. I’m sorry Hawk, I respect your content, and channel, but I need the community to pay attention to this…

    CODM is scamming good players…
    With their new season “match making” they have made this season GARBAGE!!!!

    I currently had 2.40 ratio when hitting master level 5; this provoked the game to match me with teammates poorly poorly skilled…

    Even if I carry it’s not sufficient…
    Today for example today I had 2 TDM in which I had a score of 12-2 then 8-5, and the game matches me with players that scored:

    Even if I didn’t die I couldn’t be able to win…
    Only way to grind is with squad, but you’re all not always available…

    Respectfully I leave this comment here for the community to see the truth (I know CODM hears you boy, speak for the unspoken)

  6. Anyone else game crashes when you do anything with the new sniper? The game works fine….. but as soon as I try to use or even view the new sniper, the game crashes …. I made the huge mistake of equipping the weapon to my main slot and after that , the game would crash instantly after opening…. had to reinstall app for it to let me in and put my main weapon back on the main slot…. ugh this update is so glitchy 😐

  7. I think u put all your in testing guns and finding out real stats for us and end up playing the actual quite less and thats y dont own lot a xp cards!!

  8. I need help for the Seasonal quest, Stage three of Weapon mastery. For some reason I couldn’t get past that stage. What attachment should I use together with QuickDraw?

  9. I'm really glad that the devs remove the credits in the battle pass crates. It's so disappointing that you always get the credits instead the good stuff.

  10. Am i the only one who thinks PHARO is the new MSMC. I have seen many of my oppenents use pharo and I died everytime. It felt like you have been one shot.

  11. If you wanna use the Outlaw Correctly, less hitmarkers… Use Hip Fire not ADS if you want less Hitmarkers with the outlaw
    It's what I like to use, and it gives me less hitmarkers
    And Btw why didn't u test the Katana lol

  12. People say it's like the xpr (hitmarker madness) but I've tried it (stole it from a p2w body) and if you aim it like a sniper (not the stomach 🤦‍♂️ but in the upper body like chest and head) it's bassicaly a dl with less damage in exchange for faster shooting and more mobility it's bassicaly a middle ground beetwen the arctic 50 and dlq33 like it has the dl's damage (almost) with the arctics faster shooting and higher mobility
    Basically its the middle ground
    If there was a line that would go from damage to mobility and shooting speed it would go
    Dlq33 – outlaw – arctic .50

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