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*NEW* Kn-44 Lucky Draw Gameplay + First Impressions!! | Call of Duty Mobile | CODM Tips

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Device: iPhone XS Max or iPad Pro 10.5 (2017)

Editing Program: Adobe Premiere Pro

Record Using: Elgato Game Capture Card

Thumbnails: Made by me on Photoshop

Intro Music: RUDE – Eternal Youth

#CodMobile #CODM #COD #Mobile #MobileGaming

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  1. 200$ for a in game skin bruh I could feed my family for a week with that or buy a ps4 for that… I understand they want money this stuff 200$ bit steep don't yah think ? I would be happy to pay 50$ but the Fuck do I know

  2. I’m afraid this is so not going to be great when Tencent acting nice, and there's a fat chance that this game would go comparatively pay2win if not completely. For those who don't understand what am I saying here, Tencent is now using the psychological strategy, that have been used on the Chinese players, to work on global gamers. I see the pattern in it: They first rolled out the controversial but cheap item, character skin Urban Tracker in this case, to observe most players' reactions and feedbacks of it, so they will have a baseline of how far would players allow this pay2win thing to go. Coming next is to give away some “wonderful” rewards to all the players in the game so players who received the rewards would not have a say on what's about to happen, because that would make you hypocrite. Here is what WILL happen in this pattern: The game goes pay2win. Hope you enjoyed your game tho, and those things are only my speculations, also I don't take any responsibilities saying those. Lol

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