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What Azeroth REALLY Is Finally CONFIRMED! (Chronicle Vol. 4)

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Thumbnail art is by HipnosWorld check it out here!

We’ve been talking about what Azeroth is, whether she is a titan or not for years now but finally with the new Chronicle book that was just released we have actual confirmed information to the letter. Interestingly enough Chronicle Volume 4 completely retcons volume 1 that says that Azeroth was supposed to awaken as a titan but instead it said that it COULD awaken as a titan but under the influnece of the void it can awaken as a void creature as well.

It’s almost certain now that the titans are the invaders that have been trying to convert our planet into their own order creature and the theory that they put Azeroth into a massive prison as is evident from the logo is getting even more support. So what is this information and what is really going on?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. I'm sure this thought came up But. what if the 3 expansions that are coming up are leading into a massive reset button for the warcraft universe? kinda like how ff14 nuked there map and came out with a realm reborn.

  2. What if the Titans aren't Titans, but Azeroth is. What if these Titans are creations of the real Titans who left long long ago never to return. These fakers don't want a real Titan to emerge because it means the end of their deception and power.

  3. What I like about this new information is that it keeps the wonder and mystique of world souls alive. World souls can be anything, they just happen to end up being Titans most by of the time.

  4. The different cosmic alignments are like the Power Rangers, its own COLOR and ASPECT. Azeroth it would seem is more of this keystone of power in the Morphing Grid/Universe. Maybe Azeroth is essentially the ‘Megazord’ of every ASPECT/Cosmic Force

  5. It’s not really a retcon it just means that certain things we took as blind truths before were from unreliable narrators if you think about it everyone has their own unique perspective on the world based on their experiences and objectives the truth is somewhere in the middle it would be less dynamic and more boring story writing if they just gave us all the answers they give us the characters perspectives and we get to uncover it based on that it would be way less immersive if they just told us everything how it objectively is I get everyone likes to find whatever reason they can to hate on blizzard but as a writer their story writing is really not that bad it’s just complex and not everyone likes complex stories that doesn’t mean it’s bad I’m not saying they’ve made no mistakes when it comes to the narrative they definitely have but that is to be expected with such a large spread out project like this one you can’t expect them to be perfect they’re doing pretty good considering all the circumstances

  6. Once we've gotten rid of the titan influence, the void influence, the death influence, the light influence (potentially), and the fel influence, what's next for the world soul? Is Azeroth going to awaken into some kind of "Life" being? Do we have to fight back against some kind of Emerald Dream style invasion to keep her from being corrupted yet again? Maybe Azeroth was set up by the First Ones to be a beacon so that it could be influenced by the six cosmological forces in equal parts? Or maybe we finally get to the center of Azeroth and find out that it's just a shiba inu pulling levers on a control panel.

  7. I suspect Magni was actually a pawn of the Titans. When Azeroth empowered the Aspects, the Aspects were not physically altered. However, when Magni performed the "titan" ritual, he was turned to diamond and we all know how much the titans love non-flesh. Magni can conveniently travel around Azeroth via teleportation which is an arcane spell. The titans use Order magic aka arcane magic. Anyway, I'm not a fan of speculation, but if I had to, that's what I'd speculate.

  8. I think its pretty clear what direction Blizzard is going. All the cosmic forces tries to make Azeroth into their force/image.
    Light: Giant light crystal buried deep down in the earth
    Death: Jailer/Arthas influencing with death magic
    Order: Titans and their constructs
    Disorder: Many fel invasions and now a giant sword buried deep
    Life: Eonar planted a tree that was ripped out but still the roots remain
    Void: Old gods and now the mommy doing her stuff

    So endgame is she will have parts of all the forces, just like the inhabitants/characters of Azeroth.

  9. Look, I'm just here because I wanted to fight with swords. The lore has gotten terribly out of hand and its made me lose complete interest in Warcraft as a franchise. Explaining all the fun away and not leaving any room in Azeroth for my character or my imagination. Why don't the gods and titans and hundreds of other sentient beings just kill each other and get it over with? Its not my world to enjoy anymore because some people at Blizzard are going nuts telling me what the world is.

  10. The Last Titan: We find out that Azeroth is actually the grand daughter of Aman'Thul and she is the one that finally kills him after he comes back as a clone

  11. The Old Gods while originally servants of Void Lords, are selfish independent beings. Once they established themselves on Azeroth, each of them wanted to take it's power for themselves in an open rebellion against their masters. Of course for this to go unnoticed by Dimensius, they had to get rid of it's harbringer Xal'atath. That is how Xal'atath got imprisoned inside a dagger. And then they proceeded to fight between eachother for millenia. N'zoth being the weakest one could not hope to brute force his way out of this conflict, so he made a deal with Xal'atath. Details of that deal we don't know but it included setting Xal'atath free by using the dumb shadowpriest players.

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