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What is the BEST Class in The War Within?

Which is the BEST Class in The War Within? Which is the most FUN Class? After playing all classes in the new expansion here is a video on my thoughts. Let me know what you think!
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Hope you enjoy!

Intro: 0:00
Class #3: 0:17
Class #2: 5:45
Class #1: 11:30
Outro: 17:07

#worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #mythicplus

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  1. i liked boomy a lot in the past, but this looks not cool. I will give mage, SP and devo evoker a try. Idk as arcan mage when to spend your "4orbs" when to clearcast – maybe i need to just play it to get into it 😀

  2. I’m completely new to WoW. Arcane mage looks fun and I want to play it but a lot of my friends are telling me not to cause it’s too hard. Do you feel that a new player could pick up Arcane or should I avoid it?

  3. My reaction upon seeing the thumbnail was "damn he really took 18 minutes to say Mage huh". Like there is only one class that has consistently had amazing design and development on it for the last few years and it's the blue class (not that one).

  4. Hey man I like your content, but while watching your melee characters you tend to do a side to side movement ever second that is a bit annoying to watch. I understand that it is probably just to keep your movement fluid, but casual video content it isn't fun to watch.

    Anyway keep up the content and I will watch regardless of the small things!

  5. I've really liked your content in the run-up to the xpac. I can tell you put thought into it. Mained priest the last 3 xpacs, haven't been able to main my OG main (the mage) but have wanted to so this might be my big chance.

  6. Love your videos. I get everyone who loves a spec or class will doom and gloom but I’m glad you try and keep it up beat.

    Started playing in S4 after a hiatus from beginning of DF. Playing since Cata, and couldn’t pick a main for TWW… picked up current arcane mage as I played fire/arcane in SL and man am I excited for the changes in TWW, even if they nerfed arcane down again I still love the visuals.

    Keep up the great videos and energy.

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