1 Challenger Scripter vs. 5 Diamond Players (1v5) – League of Legends
Check out everyone: @JadeGeorgiana @MaryMaybe @DoaenelYT @BodyThoseFools @forfunsquad
Full Akali Gameplays:
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To be honest I want the game to let me zoom out a little bit more
Scripter did his thing!
1 challenger and 4 girls diamond hardstucks that only play support xdddd
is bro reacting to himself?! 🤨😂
cancerous lulu
who's the guy that sounds like an actual monkey?
самое бездарное что я видел не какого интереса от просмотра якобы игры скриптера и 5 болванчиков которые просто бегают под пиво как та же лулу её взяли будто просто что бы она светила грудью это убого
Dantes hard stuck diamond🤣🤣🤣
dantes. 1scripter vs 5 diamond streamers ??? i dont get how dantes should be diamond
why is dantes diamond
if they are diamond am grandmaster at least
Are the female players legit iron, how so you try to do baron and die at 9k not even iron players do that
"5 diamond players"
Dantes: challenger in korea
dantes is cha
I didn t watch the whole thing was itnlike supossed to be a challange and every diamond player ca-n only Pick mages or did none of them Pick master yi because of plott armor?
Mary is a burden lol
Since when dantes is diamond??
YEAH WE CAN EASILY BARON…… Famous last inting words
this lulu is definitely not remotly close to diamond btw 😀
Since when dantes is diamond for u? he's challenger pretty old enough
dantes is diamond?
for sure dantes is a diamond 🙂
Since when dantes is a diamond player lol
how is lulu challenger ?
i love your videos but no way they are diamond, only like 2 of them are
A backdoor from a cheater, who would've thought
picked yasuo gg
that lulu player is NOT diamond
the lulu is literally trash don't even need any script to her