Bjergsen Reacts to His Most Iconic Gameplay Clips
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i miss him
is bjergsen wearing veneers?
I love the fact that Xmithie's dad still comes to the studio decked out in TL gear even though Xmithue coaches for a different team 😂
Jesus it's like they just had some random dude who doesn't know much about outplays to pick these clips. It's just team fights he happens to get a lot of kills and that one zed clip. No 1v1 outplays in lane or any really cool mechanical plays except that zoe clip. I have zero experience in making content like this and yet I'm 100% sure I could have picked better clips. Even if most of them are from the earlier seasons.
I love how you can see him progressively becoming a faster player.
This Zoe Heimer snipe :33
im so glad i grew up on the prime age of lcs and league in general shit was so fun back then
the commentators and all the players from his old clips , that was peak League of legends for me i mean i still play it but this time was something else the game started growing so fast. Greetings to Bjergsen a real legend of the Game !
We need more of the "I was there" POV like this, it's really interesting to see the pro players' side of things where they know what's going on instead of caster speculation etc etc
4:16 xpecial is popping off hes hit like three hooks, xpecial: hits one hook
Bjerg saying what i always said. Pentas are usually just ''your team died for you'' x)
3:00, i remember seeing that 1 live lol (tho tbf, think i saw every single 1 live)
I love how he keeps it so real
Subscribed, Liked, Commented and Ringing that bell.
I like how he mentions how broken Azir was when he was first released, I remember people calling him the perfect mid lane champion because of it
Wow, that was a really well edited video!
Damn those old replays are blurry af
Look how long fights last. you could think, reposition etc. Now you pop 3 spells and dude is dead within 1 sec
I hope we get to se peak Bjergsen again
Ryan Gosling of League.
so nostalgic to see all these old clips haha. also how does he get cuter with age…….?
the part where bjergsen says "they could have done baron here" reminds me of a time when league was more fun and chaotic , where 3 people are chasing a zed like people in silver do now, escapes and chases like this (plus other forms of chaos) made the old league championships 20 times better to watch than now.
WHAT IN THE WORLD! YOU DIDNT INCLUDE THE GAME WHERE DOUBLELIFT CALLED TSM BOOSTED. PROCEED BJERGSEN AKALI TAKEOVER… One would think you clearly would remember that TL. Or did you permanently block that out 😛