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it takes a whole lot more than wards to climb silver as supp lol
but what do i do in a team fight as support if my team mates have diffrent ideas like in a 5 vs 5 fight.. lest say my jungle and adc go on the enemy mid and the top and mid go on enemy adc, who should i be helping out?
I'm in Iron and it feels like I'm playing against smurfs or higher rated players almost every game. I have no chance to learn or to climb because I just get stomped every game.
well, I’ve lost countless times to a fed toplane while stomping bot. 7/0 camille > 7/0 twitch
I just got to plat , and I’ve learnt that I’ve got some issues from gold that I still need to fix
I just didn’t know that roaming for heralds is a plat thing , literally thought it was from diamond or masters because I didn’t know if I can leave my adcs
But now that I think about it , it is very doable to leave adcs in plat
I’ve climbed from iron to plat this split and this is the first time I’m lookin at skill capped
Let’s see if those “I got out of this rank because of skill capped “ statements are true 🤣
If I can finish emerald by the end of this season then I’ll be surprised
The blind person clip is taking me out jlkajfdklsfjsdf
To climb out of gold: Be challenger. Okay thanks!
as a master player who cant reach grandmaster and challnger, i actually call the tips for dia+ "free style the game" or something like that. i just mostly have the worst match ups in my team ever.
Unless you're low elo against pyke, morgana or samira bot, then ur team loses 😅
Not me watching this because of trolls
The message "Ffs please don't" actually worked for keeping a Iron player from disconnecting.
I swear they do not want to win even when it's handed on a plate.
so in gold we int together
Don't forget to watch your replays, including wins. Winning doesn't mean you played perfectly
its so disgusting i cant leave bronze just play this facking irritatet rabbies shit cat 🙂 i love cat but not Yuumi
It simply isn't as straight forward as it is here. You can be the very best support and land everything right, but over half of games you get a horrible feeding top laner, or mid. Always. As a support you have to create the fights, pressure lanes and even secure kills. Playing support is like baby-sitting, you have to keep an eye on 9 4 year-olds.
5:21 I'm pretty sure that's me on braum, I didn't play braum unless my two other supports got banned at the time so that wasn't a fun game either way. I've now gotten to silver and play 5 supports comfortably now so that doesn't happen
This doesn’t help me I’m silver. So one thing I noticed some jg doesn’t even try to get dragons so warding is iffy and the other thing is even if I have been warding where I need to the games don’t turn out any different because they don’t listen even when you ping.
I can deal with trolls, feeders, and toxic players but I cannot tolerate bots in ranked games.
Try playing in a hardstuck silver account for 12 years with 1000 games each season, i doubt u will be able to get me out of elo hell let alone to silver 1 cause i seemed to be hardstuck silver 2 each season 👍 now tell me that you have seen everthing……..
I think the whole "going with the flow" mentality is why I do so well with Yuumi. You kinda have to do whatever your adc does.
I like what you said at the end. A man spends his whole life learning. There's always new concepts and ideas.
D4-3 supp main here. So you are saying I should learn more about the game etc. Like pulling that 1 minion to give my laner a freeze so he can still miss half the CS and die to a random lane gank in the next 1 minute and still lose the lane and the game?
Or when Im having people on my team dealing same or sometimes even LESS damage as my Soraka, what in the world I can learn to stop this occuring multiple times? Not just 1-2 game out of them, im talking about 6-7 times out of 10. Literal Veigar with 2k damage, Kayles with 6k damage at lvl 14, whenever they pick kayle, shaco, tf I just feel like I need to dodge bcuz these champs are dogwater and lost it in the draft. I dont see a point here …
I have friends who are 14 and just recently started playing league and already performing better than these so called high elo diamond players….
I tried getting an adc duo and what happens is just having higher duo MMR and getting stronger enemies andeven worse teammates. Thanks riot good game.
It's always the same.. win 4 to 5 games in a row: suddenly having 2 or 3 terrible teammates. Then lose 4 to 5 games and magically there are another 4 to 5 games you win and repeat repeat repeat. Every.. Single… Time.. it's almost as if… Riot tries to make people addicted?
I don't understand what he did when he ''punted'' the minion away?
I have gold level and im currently in bronze. How am I supposed to climb if I'm playing with people who has reached platinum? Why can't I play with bronzes so I can climb?
Bronze / silver / gold all have the same issue. Majority of players play to FF and not play to win.
This is the most bullshit video I have ever seen.
At 9:30 Let's be honest, though… the Thresh was a pussy.
You said Gold players should adapt on the teammates plays and thats true but what would I do as support if I have an adc that stands so far behind that we lose everything and probably get dived because I cant hit the wave alone if you know what I mean
Because of your videos i was never stuck. Riot: "Hey, ure an iron! Hahaha"
Me: "U sure?"
Stomping my first Season (2 seasons ago) up to bronze
Next season i was silver
And this season im on the way up to gold
I improve every game thx
Eh wait you're not supposed to change lane until platinum?
I'm iron and I have the same number of games in every role.
okay but how do you get out of iron
To the people who keep commenting about how its not their fault they keep losing games: we do not care nor believe you
I climbed this season from Diamond 3 (last season) to Diamond 1 current elo. And I have no idea what to improve for climbing to Master and beyond. Every Game in diamond 1/low Master feels like a coin flip.
how to climb? Buy a script
your tips just boosted me from platinum II to platinum I thx
i love you mr japanese import