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5 Incredibly Annoying Mounts to Get in World of Warcraft

5 Incredibly Annoying Mounts to Get in World of Warcraft

Ever go out of your way to try and farm for an incredibly annoying mount that dozens of other people are also trying to get at the same time and on the same server as you? Well in this video, we will go over 5 of them!

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Music provided by Epidemic Sounds
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  1. 6:02 – This is not true. The correct type of camel figurine has a 100% chance of teleporting you. The issue is that there are two types of figurines (same name, but different object number ID), and the more common one just turns into a pile of sand when you click it. You can scan just for the correct one.

  2. Got all of these plus Time-Lost Proto as well. The Camel figurine can be total true, but i had luck with all, except Aeonaxx and TLPD. Btw i think farming a whole raid over and over for a 1% drop chance or Pandaria World bosses with their 1 of 2000 drop chance are much worse….

  3. lol funny how 3 years later I was able to get all of these mounts in 6 days of played game time, used class trials to locate Aoenaxx ( was a bitch but we did it) bought the alani serpent for 9k, bought posideus for 15k, I got the hook up with voidtalon through the “WoW Secrets discoed” and the camel was easily obtainable do to LFG, hope anyone me who’s farming these has some luck!

  4. I just got really pissed when you said you logged out for a couple months and clogged back in to see if the mount was there. Like, you lazy piece of shit I hope you never get that mount

  5. I have all 5.
    Ran across aeonaxx on my way to farm the vitreous stone drake dungeon.
    Bought Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent and Seahorse off the auction house
    I camped the camel for roughly 5 days.. my 3rd statue it finally teleported me.
    While leveling in draenor I came across a portal, but questioned it.. while doing research someone clicked the portal and it disappeared. I later then ran across the portal while heading to camp the Sunhide Gronnling..

  6. I heard about the gray riding camel, so I headed over to Uldum and wandered around for a bit. I looked up online where the spawn points were, headed to the nearest point, found the camel, and got it right away… didn't even realize how rare it was at the time

  7. I got posiedous as a kid probably 11-12 playing on a lvl 85 hunter thought I could tame it when I couldn’t killed it and got the reins had no idea until I showed my mom who to this day is a hardcore wow player

  8. I have them all. I killed myself except for poseidus, for the reason the video tells. Seems to have a gang farming all day long, probably companies that make money in wow.

    But I disagree with the order. Aeonaxx is BY FAR the most frustrating one. , I never saw the bat, only Aeonaxx. Total time can be measured by the times rare scanner saw Xariona: 44. spawn timeof xariona is 3-4 hours as I could notice multiple times I've killed her. So Aeonaxx took me 120-160h or so to appear.

  9. In the matter of the Camel, so everyone can know it's not any "chance", it's predestinated from the initial spawn, whoever has an addon like elvui or something related to tooltips, it will show the figurine with a specific "ID" when mouseovering, I.D. 50409 is a Teleporting camel, which leads to the mount, while I.D. 50410 will be just "fuck this shit" for y'all, gl boys.

  10. I was like 12 years old, playing my lvl80 DK. I was flying over The Storm Peaks, don't remember why. I see a mob I had never seen before. I click on it: it's a rare NPC named Time-Lost Proto-Drake. Knowing rares drop a nice blue item, I fly down and kill it. I loot a mount and I'm just shocked. I was a kid, didn't use guides and as far as I had (not) heard, no one in my guild had it.

    Aaahhhh…. The only fond memory I have of that mount…

  11. I remember being in high school and harcore raiding icc and it being my turn to get invencible and my grandfather turned the net off at the end of the boss lol was pissed still never got it lol

  12. Not only is the farm of skyshards annoying but Alani has a long spawn timer and gets bugged now when she does spawn sooooo its been a month I’ve seen alani once since I’ve had a sky crystal and she was bugged when I saw her…… fml…. I already got houlon yesterday while I was switching back and forth between characters and I had only been trying to farm houlon casually over the last week. Alani is the bane of my existence

  13. For the Camel it used to be considered an NPC. The one that teleported you, and the one that gave dust had two different ID’s which made it a lot easier to do, so it wasn’t that bad it took me about a week of farming about 2 hours a day… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  14. Voidtalon is a pain in the ass to farm. I farmed him all last month and a few days ago just as I logged off it was claimed in the same area I was in. I lost it.

  15. i hav 3 of the 5 on the list. i have poseidus alani and aeonaxx. the story behind aeonaxx is i couldn t sleep 1 night so i went to deepholm to try for the mount off slabhide, i looked up as i headed to the temple and there aeonaxx was and noone was camping him, remember it was 5 am server time.

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