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Could A Witcher Survive in World of Warcraft?

Could a witcher like Geralt of Rivia do well on Azeroth?
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We have two massive fantasy universes the Witcher and the Warcraft one. While connected they also differ in many areas.

Still, I do believe that witchers are not that different from classes like warriors or rogues in World of Warcraft which by itself sprouted many fan witcher transmogs.

In this video I cover an alternate scenario on how well would a witcher, especially a legendary witcher like Geralt of Rivia do on Azeroth. Could he survive or even thrive? Would silver swords, sword skills, potions, signs be useful or for nought?

Geralt is known for killing monsters and fighting all sorts of creatures from ghouls to werewolves but in my opinion World of Warcraft is filled with a lot more monsters and many of them much more powerful and on a godlike scale which raises the question could a witcher survive in World of Warcraft?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. I think, if Mage Warrior Geralt and that continent were summoned in Warcraft world? It would be an RTS Game all over again because he is just so powerfully awesome? He just might end up with The Horde after some great betrayal. In other words, I think he would be the Sarah Kerrigan of Warcraft, and Yennifer is set down a different road as a result.

  2. Lmao a witcher more powerful than a warrior? okay lemme see them jump 40 yards, carry two 100kg weapons, and casually one shot the elemental lord ragnaros. witchers can survive as peons…

  3. Witchers would be extremely effective battle mages in Azeroth. Magic in the Warcraft universe takes time to cast, a lot more time than Witcher signs. That ability to quickly cast signs, along with their reflexes, enhanced senses, sword skills and just the overall speed with which they move and fight, makes them extremely dangerous. Their skill set, plus the mail/leather armor they wear would make them something akin to a melee hunter build, except with sign magic instead of pets.

  4. I think Geralt would have it good in Azeroth. His abilities and magic would transfer no problem, he can learn the alchemy from Azeroth. Considering how much more easily magic is available in Warcraft I wouldn't be surprised if he got much stronger.

  5. “Who wouldn’t really wanna see Geralt fighting against the Burning Legion?”
    Sorry, but…
    ME. Me, me, me.
    I absolutely hate crossovers that don’t fit right. Making him as a role-play character in a different game is ridiculously tasteless, lazy character creation that should break your own immersion, but is breaking others’ in stead. If you’re bad at character creation, click randomise, but don’t do this.

  6. the only creature Geralt cant take 1v1 is an Elder Vampire, and said Elder Vampire would take any lore character i think (except for a titan or the most powerful of characters). The pricks are just so OP.

  7. With a little practice they could probably be fine, and bear in mind witchers would probably find ways to brew new potions that normal classes couldn't drink, and oils already exist in wow lore, they are just not class specific, but witchers could probably use/improve on those. now obviously I dont see witchers standing up to Titans, or Archimonde, or anyone cosmic like that, but defending lower settlements from stuff (like a Goldsijre guard,) or even being an adventurer, questing and killing wild beasts, and foes, Geralt has tangled with werewolves and they've gotta be in the same ballpark as Worgen, so he'd probably be fine.

    and seeing as witchers don't die from old age as far as we can tell, he'll hopeflly find new ways to beat all of Azeroth's beasts.

  8. Intro isn't very accurate. Witchers aren't that much stronger or faster then normal humans, what makes geralt powerful is experience and brains which make him approch a fight the smart way. Besides Ciri witchers aren't much stronger then normal humans and he also got killed by a group of normal civilians with pitch forks

  9. Honestly I would use a Survival Hunter to represent a Witcher, partly for the mixture of mail and a two handed weapon, and partly because it does fit decently well in my opinion. Good skill in melee, but mix in secondary items to aid them in combat. The main difference would be the pet, but a basic dog would probably be fine.

  10. Me being a DM for a dungeon and dragons game based in Azeroth "Yes. I've found my video"
    Also we are getting a witcher haircut so I've no doubt that there will be Witcher rper's running around.

  11. Funny thought: Survival hunter is closest you get to witcher as a class/spec combo. Mainly close combat? Check. Small crossbow as a side arm? Check. Uses bombs that have different uses (pheromone, shrapnel, poison etc.)? Check. Master tracker? Check. Generally versatile combat? Check. Basically the only thing missing are the signs witchers use.

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