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Apparently Theres Been A “Classic PLUS” Survey…

Recently there has been a survey doing the rounds asking some questions which are pretty close to what you’d expect from Classic plus. Whether this survey is the real deal or not is up in the air, but either way I think it makes for interesting talking points about something which I do hope to see one day.
Today we check out the survey and I give my thoughts on the questions. So, Apparently Theres Been A “Classic PLUS” Survey…

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  1. Why tf are you supporting a premade option for groups in Classic, when that is the most retail thing ever? When Classic first dropped everyone was loving it and saying it was better than retail because it didnt have LFG/LFR option, now everyone wants it for Classic. I don't understand. You want Classic to become Retail with people constantly spamming dungeons to level up, not making use of the giant open world.

    These kind of opinions make me think you are just a failed retail player.

  2. I dunno, i feel like LFG chat channel is superior to any UI…
    Chat feels like you are searching for a job, while LFG UI feels like a another game mode… instantly teleporting to dungeon is the worst, it totally breaks the illsuion

  3. Honestly, Season of Discovery, as it has been represented by the content creators that I have watched, (since I thought I could resubscribe for $15 with game time battlenet currency, ** [oops no WoW token or 1 month variant even if you're a returning account,] ** ) looks passable, at least 6.5/10 especially considering the crunch the devlopment team has been under for most of the cycles of development, managing 3 different games.

    They don't have everything implemented that I would personally hold as a standard that 10 normally burdened developers would have implemented, but, again, >>they are actively managing different games simultaneously as a small team, in addition to managing some Public Relations, promotional material, and probably other things that I do not know of.<<

    I honestly would really play Season of Discovery as much as my diminished and anti-social self could manage, if I had the money for that, and I didn't have the "Human Experience" to deal with.
    -What comes to mind is the old 36-72 hour WoW gaming sessions that I used to have.


    18 hours ago

    I'd love more lore and more diverse content in mid/late game. I love classic but on higher levels the difficulty is simply "do the same thing longer/more often" and that repetitiveness just bores me out every time.


    1 day ago

    classic + you say?

    you want a expansion?

    its 50$ when it hits

    pay up

    classic players never admit this but i well tell you

    they want everything with no compensation to blizz for there efforts

    make the expansion "classic +" cost them were it counts there wallet

    nothing is free and your 12$ a month is pittance to the efforts you are begging for


    1 day ago

    I think if the team wasn’t so overwhelmed with SoD . They could’ve made cataclysm 10x better . And they still can . But from how it looks they are just gonna release classic expansion with little minimal changes


    1 day ago

    The real question they should have asked is not should we add flying mounts to vanilla, but should we take flying mounts out of tbc.

  4. I'd love for you to create a Google Form or something with these exact questions and give the poll to your community. It would create an estimation of the Blizzards results (if this real anyways)

  5. SoD is literally classic and a little bit of extra stuff. Classic plus should be classic and a lot of extra stuff. There are so many new raids and dungeons that could be done because the place is already there for it in the classic world.

  6. I'm very much against some changes in wow. but i remmber when i first saw someone flying in some random house my sister took me to 15 years ago and it blew my mind that you could do that in game. turns out they were just on a flight path but still, that's what made me want to start playing wow and i think flying would be great in era.

  7. the issue with devs is they don't think like humans. they're literally bots. they ask us for information but have NO IDEA how to process it. they're going to f it up. these aren't the same people that made classic and they probably never even played it.

  8. OSRS already created the blueprint for any legacy game to be remade. Classic Plus could be anything. I just want it to happen for the fun.

  9. 1:40 this is why you shouldn't even be making content for era. who tf are you ? people stick around for era. people stick around for hc. who cares if some mentally ill dude wants changes? we don't have to pander to these people.

  10. The flying mount question all but proves this is a fake. They're not going to rebuild the entire world Cata style just to get flying mounts in vanilla. Ridiculous — whoever made this shit didn't think much about it.

  11. If you believe a dungeon finder system should be in classic, you should have no say about anything classic. Its the same stuff that killed the social fabric of the game

  12. sounds fake based on the flying question alone, i remember them talking about the work that went into cata to get it fly ready no way the classic team doesn't know that

  13. What makes Classic Classic for me is less about "this specific set of content" and more about how it is presented, and how it functions. I like that you're a guy, in a world, and not the Champion of Azeroth. I don't like giant inset cutscenes. I like having to methodically build your character and deal with fussy details that add verisimilitude. I wouldn't mind them adding playable races, so long as those are things that are already in the game. We never needed Pandarens or Fox things, or ten million kinds of elves, dwarves, trolls, etc. Those could just be options when you pick that race. What would have been cool is if we could then play Furbolgs, Gnolls, Goblins, Ogres, Worgen, Centaurs, Quillboars,

    One thing that would cut down on alt-itis, is if they allowed a single character to learn all, or most of the classes, or at least all the classes available to that race, somewhat like FFXIV, where you switch between classes. What I'd really like is for characters to be able to learn Class skills (e.g. Fire, Ice, Arcane for Mage) from trainers as independent skill tracks, and then they can just mix and match their own playing style, but that quickly becomes complicated to discuss, so I'll stop there. But I'd also like there not to be a limit on professions.

    I'm kind of against collections, at least spanning between characters. I think the idea is ok for a given character, just to preserve appearances and whatever without having to fill up your bank vault with things you're never going to use. It would be cool if, with a craft that your character knows, you could produce a clothing item that had the stats/effects of one particular item, but the appearance of another item you also know how to make from that same craft. This is not glamours/transmogs, this is just stylistic crafting. If you're going to have an effect that allows you to disguise one item to look like another via illusion, that should be a spell in the Arcane/illusion school.

    Mounts should be treated more like hunter pets. Like you can have some very small number of them loaded personally, and the rest are stored in a "stable". Flying mounts would be ok if mounts were treated more like actual animals/vehicles, and had limitations. Like maybe you actually need to feed your mounts, and they need to rest to recover, and can only fly so far. Ultimately, you don't want them to be so good that you basically never have to interact with the world again, such as is the case in retail. You make a fair point about the unfinished world, but if they could finish it, that would be ok. Again, I don't mind the content of Retail so much as how it is presented and works. I don't even mind if they add new places or do mild updates on existing places. Expanding Stormwind is fine, tearing up the landscape of existing zones a la Cataclysm is not.

    Another thing they could take from FFXIV is having local temporary events, kind of like FFXIV FATES, but maybe more substantial and organic.

    I'll go no with dungeon finders. Doing a dungeon should require going to the dungeon and entering.
    I'm ok with a certain amount of QOL stuff, as long as it doesn't circumvent going through the world. Guild vaults would be ok, adding a few more flight paths (but not too many, and you still have to initialize them) would be ok.

  14. All of this doesn't matter because the devs don't have what it takes to make classic style content. Their brains are fried from retail – SOD is a perfect example.

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