Rediscover your love for fantasy by listening to Songs of Chaos:
People point at Cataclysm as the expansion to separate “classic” from “current”, but is it really true?
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Pillager footage by caravelgaming:
Wetgrass inspired by AmIEvil from
Waltz for Zizi cover by Sam Griffin Guitar:
BTDD Stage 01:
Wii Shop Unused version:
Stormwind Music:
Creative Exercise:
Diablo 2 Wilderness:
FFIX The Place I’ll Return To Someday Remix by Arcanuman1:
Darkness And Light by McVaffe:
Rediscover your love for fantasy by listening to Songs of Chaos:
People point at Cataclysm as the expansion to separate "classic" from "current", but is it really true?
Video start at 5:00
old man yells at wow token kinda energy
Id almost agree with this. Though the added fault of the community when you had to have your ilvl checked kinda killed the original vibes for me.
What they did to my boy???
Noooo arthas
I've said this before. Wrath was the beginning of the end. It became too homoganized, vehicle mechanics removed immersion, they changed the artstyle too.
Classic 2019-mid 2021 was perfect.
Dude at 10:23 when you hit up Dalaran and had FFIX – The Place I'll Return To Someday playing… I've sat in that city listening to this and Gizmaluke's Grotto. So peaceful.
ty so much for this, I HATE how the WOTLK fan boys have always trashed Cata when Cata feels like a vanilla 2.0 more than anything and used the systems andthings brought in by WOTLK
not gonna lie, this channel has died out so painfully. before, videos were hype and had creativity. now his videos are mostly 'here's why wow died for the 400th time'. we get it, you miss the game, but you said you were moving onto other things. that clearly hasn't happened, and seeing upload after upload of the same generic ideas…. i'm out. i can't follow this channel anymore. it's become a depressing circus show where it's the same clown doing the same routine.
I also find the music died at cata when I hear music from classic Tbc and wrath I can pick songs out of my head to can’t Cata onwards
This man has told me the same story over 50 times across 752 videos and i will STILL click on any video about the same story he puts out….keep em coming king.
We need some “told you so btw” shirts!
I've been saying this for a while now.
Classic died when TBC launched. easy is that years ago.
It didn't
As someone who played Vanilla and was really looking forward to Classic and the Classics…. running into nonstop dickheads for the most part who buy gold and just run gdkp's and ask for logs makes this game completely non fun….. I've been in the best guilds at times on servers and no one behaved like these little dick incels do… where are all the chill peeps???
I started playing WOW about 2 months before BC was released. BC was fun but Lich King was my ultimate expansion. I started playing classic a little bit when it came out but I lost interest. I started playing SoD when it was released and my god, I don’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing WOW. It felt so fresh. Even with low level, cheap stuff, you really felt like you were earning what you played for. As annoying as it was to run to each zone and it take forever, you still wanted to do it because you knew at the end, something great was waiting for you!
Wrath has and will always be a shitty version of Cata. Cata always got the blame on social but it’s always been wrath. That being said quit crying guys. There has been private servers for years, there is era. Shit changes. Change with it or leave.
I feel like WoW's story and lore getting worse started killing WoW for me. The start of Vanilla is great when the story and lore follow WC3 and everything is still well fleshed out. Later on lot of the story or lore is spread around to various books and other media. If you don't buy and read those, you won't really know what is going on. I think it's a big miss from blizzard not to tie more quests to raids and dungeons, especially in the expansions where instances become the core content of the game. Ideally every boss should have at least a small part in the story and raids could use Edwin VanCleef type story lines.
WoW's lack of in-game lore also really started to show in AQ. There's a huge build up to AQ and lot's of quests, but they never go anywhere. AQ itself doesn't have any story quests either, even the Eye of Cthun quest lacks lore completely. This got worse in Wotlk especially with the Ulduar, which storywise doesn't tie into the main Lich King story. Ulduar was supposed to be the middle part of the story and really setup the stakes for the final part, but P2 doesn't even tie in to the main story. Wotlk Lich King was far below what Blizzard did in WC3. I remember back in vanilla I couldn't believe how lackluster Wotlk LK's voice was compared to all the iconic voices of the main characters before. The same actor did Uther and Kel'thuzad in WC3 so I don't think the actor was the problem. They really messed it up with the effects.
I think a big part of classic's appeal was the unknown future. What kind of changes was Blizzard going to make? Would this ever be Classic Plus? Instead of rushing expansions, would they expand on the unfinished content in vanilla? Maybe in the new Classic Plus they are now polling for, but Blizzard has disappointed so many times. I doubt they'll actually expand the story on any part of classic plus. It will be just redesigned instances and class power-ups. Quest lines that end suddenly will stay that way.
If something is bad or broken, it's not going to get improved or fixed by Blizzard. It's going to be replaced by new content. So whenever you see some potential in a part of the game and you hope it will be expanded, you just know that nothing will be done about it. The next phase or expansion will be the solution to all problems.
i love it when people who have self proclaimed no idea about current lore join the conversation.
why would you do that? its okay that you dont play and you didnt read or understand it but spreading the hate will only hurt other people. thats hateful and stupid.
Mad I’m a big fan of your channel and a lot of your points. So I’m gonna say this as blunt as possible. You just keep saying the same thing over and over. The problem is that old mmo players are chasing a high. A high that being an adult now has taken away from you. You will never be as care free and clueless and you were then. And thats what we need to “get back” to the old school feelings. Our time wasn’t as “valuable”. Streamers hadn’t ruined all the mystery of every single game just for internet clout. It’s gone brother. Accept it and start drinking. It helps.
I'm going to be honest wows player base has always shot itself in the foot over and over and over and we complain then do it again its been that way forever and I forsee it being thst way till its over. (world buff meta, weird add-ons, gatekeeping, PARSING, being super uptight about gear requirements, I have to try 1000x harder than i ever did years ago. Complaing till they added lfg then complaining it's there the list goes on)
only reason classic is dead is because of the incompetent company holding onto it
imagine if they could re-brand classic wow the way old school runescape is at the moment
just adding tons and tons of content that completely matches the old feel with a refreshing new reimagined afterthought. Osrs is better than ever and classic is just a re-run of the same shit from 2 decades ago WHICH IS FUN, YES but hey there's only so many times you can re-roll the exact same thing before you get absolutely tired of it
I would double down and honestly say it started with TBC.
Classic wow ended when the dark portal opened.
Vanilla would be amazing if they trimmed down the edges on the egregious class balance.
(Cannot think of a valid excuse for Vanilla Stormstrike to be as awful as it is.)
Classic died when the main player was switched from Azeroth to expansion X.
sometimes i like to let half the bosses be skippable (grim batol, throne of the tides, ) and have people who didn't keep up with the classes with turbo fast move abilities get locked from ascending up the dungeon at all leading them to have one option, leave and gain the 30 minute "u deserted" or be kicked and receive the "u deserted" (even if you killed a boss)
not to mention the scripting of cata being so poor it's making Windsor in the Onyxia attunement (currently broken in all of classic) look functional.
lets remove /spit because the PAYERS are all getting spat on (while it's gross it was done to send a message), lets remove the women and replace them with fruit! please buy our level boost! please continue botting dks!
I do not hate cata, but I don't see us making it to Legion and I don't know what they're going to do with our characters at the end of the day but I'd wager, it'll be deletion over sending them to retail (the correct option is 2)
when i got addicted to wow it was in really crappy private servers so I think the shops and all doesent matter because we had these donor gear and we didnt care about the donors. we were happy when they join us in raid or dung , or if we manage to kill one from the other faction. the game was just good, the times were different and we didnt had all this info and disection outside of wowhead.
Heirlooms gave 20% cos there's no way you're getting the ring.
The WotLK talent trees were really bloated and insufficient so I understand why they went with Cata talents but that was the divide, not TBC/WotLK. It's very much in spirit of classic to solve the issue of outdated spell/ability system by just giving everyone talents to increase spellpower scaling or slam multiple semi-unrelated effects on one talent instead of properly reworking the system.
As for your argument about shifting to endgame, how did TBC not do the same? Where did TBC focus on the leveling process and not just the endgame? Yeah, I hate that change in design philosophy and WotLK did it but that doesn't make it a good argument for your case.
For me, that expansion, was TBC. It ruined leveling. That was half the appeal of Vanilla in my opinion.
I didn't dislike raids but my favorite thing was 5 mans and then 5 man heroics and Wrath made those dull as fuck with tanks aggroing at least 4 mob packs and then everyone aoe'd them down and you'd never take aggro.