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EA Sports UFC – Online Championship Fight #1 – Dan Henderson VS Jon Jones (ME) | CenterStrain01

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EA Sports UFC – Online Championship Fight #1 – Dan Henderson VS Jon Jones (ME) | CenterStrain01


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  1. Does the guy playing Dan Henderson not know how to parry?? This guy playing Jones threw a right handed punch 4 to 5 times in a row multiple times, I would have parried and landed an H-Bomb a few times at least…

  2. damn looking @ all these ppl comment and hate on the game is kinda pointless. I mean its they first ufc game yall should probably start the criticism on the second game not every product is going to be perfect the first time. and I mean undisputed 3 wasn't that good either I could ko a guy by button mashing them in close quarters with the elbow. and on here you cant do that so yeah…. by next game start the criticism or just dont buy the game @ all

  3. Is this actually any good? i've seen fights against the CPU they just seem to throw mad punches with no real repercussions and don't really react like any UFC fighters i've ever seen and no ground an' pound? it seems that the only time you'd get a remotely realistic fight would be online against people playing properly..

  4. Undisputed 3 is ten times better thsn this shit wtf.. 95% of takedowns are successful, ground and pund is non existant.. Stand up is just bullshit no real skill

  5. well what a surprise yet again all u did was go for the kamora … comon man ur better than one move learn some more if your going to be  sub specalist  at least a bit of varity would be nice

  6. Im 30-12 online black belt division. Wont even touch it tho. Every black belt match is just some fucking idiot body kicking over and over until u get knocked out. OR its the old 80 takedown attempts a round. People are so fucking lame. Whoever is knocking guys out with 50 straight body kicks has to feel like a loser…

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