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Why Have So Many People Quit Classic WoW?

Season of discovery phase 4 and cataclysm classic are going strong but it almost half of the player base have quit? Why could this be?

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  1. My main issues with classic wow at lvl 60:

    1) Geting old runes is complete crap and not fun
    2) Its not alt friendly, lvling sucks for old content, no groups, and see #1
    3) Too much to do in phase 4; my guild rushed into MC …. it was the middle of summer people were on vacation; didn't have time get reps up; dailies, too much pvp in brm, didn't have time to get their FR gear up; didn't have time to get better gear, back to running around the world for buffs…..uggg. Everone bitcheing that people aren't putting int he effort. its very very not casual friendly right now.
    4) I already quit because after two weeks, its just not fun.

  2. Had they left it alone in the first place it would have been fine, I think they lost a lot of people's faith when they added that store mount for TBC along with charging for a copy of your character to stay on classic.
    That was the first mistake of many

  3. Duh, if people quit way back on cata how will it be any different this time around. Blizz is so stupid, since 2019 that is 5yrs that they could have deblvelopes classic plus by adding new raids for vanilla, but what did they do?

  4. I wouldnt consider classic purists to even be 'gamers'. They are just aging adults that want to relive their childhood over, and over, and over. If they just re-looped classic fresh over and over it would be enough for 90 percent of the playerbase.

    For me personally, ive enjoyed classic, retail, and the spinoffs like the battle royale and mop remix.

    That no changes crowd literally just operates off of a pretty much chemical dependency to reliving their youth. Like the same way our boomer parents refused to listen to our 90-00s rock and kept their 60s nostalgia.

    Classic is just our version of our parents looping CCR over and over and over remembering that concert they went to when they were young.

  5. First of all cata is not classic.
    Second, they are not quitting classic. They are quitting blizzard classic. With the gdkp system and the botting. The one classic plus server has seen a boost in population averaging + 3.5 k players

  6. Too many versions and splitting their player base. Causes guild collapse and friends to vanish. Almost no one wanted CATA. Would have been better leaving WOTLK in place longer. SoD lost its shiny luster until a new phase comes out then dies again. Rampant botting, GDKP/MRT/boosting on classic era has turned a lot of people away.

  7. I spent a lot of time in P2 & P3. I haven't played P4 for a few reasons:

    1). I've only joined two guilds, but they didn't work out (demoralizing)
    2). P3 was not very engaging
    3). PVP was terribly unbalanced. They would trial nerfs every weekend in P3, and it just broke my interest as I did well or poorly based on the trial nerfs
    4). P4 my guild collapsed day 1, so I cancelled my sub and decided to enjoy my summer outside.

  8. Bro stop with the click bait. The only clasic worth talking about… the only wow worth talking about it vanilla. The original, the best. When are blizzard gonna wake up? Announce fresh!

  9. For me the amount of min maxing and gatekeeping killed the game. It was no longer about an adventure and the freedom of creating your own character. You had to play x class in x way with x gear or you were playing wrong. Had great fun leveling but when i hit 60 that was the reality.

  10. Blizzard refuses to address the real problems with the game like botting, goldbuying and the game getting less and less social with every xpac. Instead they decided o turn Classic+ into retail with lazy content like MC's last boss and other features. Thankfully we got a few Pservers that retained the classic feel while still expanding on vanilla content.

  11. Cata is so much better than vanilla, TBC and Wrath which were all painful as hell to play! Cata was way better than all 3 put together, the people that love those three only like it because their tiny brains can't handle having to think, I am a pvp and arena player so I suppose I have a different view. SOD was probably my worst experience with wow I have ever had and it single handidly made me almost quit completely until cata released although now 1st season of Cata is over and we are forced to do raids for pvp gear I will be quitting that also, retail just keeps getting worse so i honestly think it's time to just let this game die, I only started playing wow around 2019 and very rarely played, I started getting serious over past 2 yrs and I have no idea how boring your life can be that could play this miserable game for so many years it's just sad. The past 2 yrs trying to force myself to play the game telling myself it will get good was the biggest waste of my life and that was all it was, waiting thinking one day it will get good, then going back to classic thinking maybe it was better then but nope way worse! The way they made the gameplay was awesome with abilities and cc but now I have realized they had a great idea they just never once executed it to make a good game

  12. Classic is not hard, is slow. Auto atack simulator. 1 spell spam. Same content non stop. Some classes literally do not work. and the true that NO ONE ever talks is…..maybe most ppl actually dont like classic, thats why population is low :/

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