The Radiant Echoes Pre Patch for War Within might actually be fun now
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
More, faster, rewards ! We be heard xD
it's fine don't be a hater – looks like its fixed now so the event respawns as soon as it is over. Sheesh have a winge
Sounds great, maybe I should try it again now.
My guess is they tried to maximize the space of time they could send a ping to players to be active in game without logging off completely, but overdid it.
When you think about these dumb decisions through the lens of improving engagement metrics, it can explain a lot…
Reminds me of the hearthstone anniversary event that was also just bad on so many levels
It doesn’t matter if it’s laggy and if if it takes 90, 120 or 2500 minutes to finish because it’s garbage either way. I remember when wotlk pre-patch was turning players into zombies, creating a new separate faction which stormed horde and alliance towns. THAT was a pre-patch to remember. This is just some uninspired, generic pile of lazy fodder.
Yet again blizzard is trying to sell his mistakes and failures as a victory and success.
My money says they were more focused on the 20th anniversary event, and thats why pre patch is lacking.
I love to spend my subscription waiting while the game waits.
They've filled their ranks with DEI. And as expected, everything is literal shit now. Save your money.
I logged in and played a bit in the searing gorge event and it was WAY better. I got several pieces of gear, about 3000 of the currency, and leveled up 3 times from doing the event for 30 minutes. Much better pacing
Its not just prepatch .
All dragonflight was like this .
Iskaar feast is every 1h30 .
Dragonbane keep event every 2 hours not every hour like ive seen it on timer addons .
Just Hunts no timer .
This week researchers underfire and time rift every hour .
The event i always liked was fyraak assault no timer just play then a little wait to see the fyraak bud to kill .
Dreamsurge to get 100 tokens is good too cause you can do wq ,kill rares ,portals bosses ,kill mobs to get them with no timer except portals but you can do it without waiting for them.
This expansion is wait time for outdoor content and crazy queue for group content .
Still play but i hate the timer thing .
i understand that if events were live too fast not enough players to do them but do like followers dungeons to fill the gaps with ai players .
Except fyraak assault and dreamsurge the outdoor group content were not fun for me .
Just do them to get gear easy for alts .
Dragonflight was the timer expansion for me .
The best example is time rift i see lots of players waiting near the last portal entrance doing nothing until 9 minutes past hour when it opens cause they want the gear not having fun with the event .
I like getting gear and managing alts with professions but most of outdoor events content was not fun .
No hope for delves and new oudoor content feels boring.
If i didnt like the management alt play i would have left this game .
a good sign of the xpac to come
I know this might be a bit of an optimistic STRETCH of a view, but im just hoping that the reason for the pre patch sucking ass so much is cause they are working really hard on making the game good for launch, im tryna give blizzard the benefit of the doubt here, but lets be real this is blizzard we are talking about here they have let us down majorly in the past… COUGH COUGH SHADOWLANDS COUGH COUGH (just to name one)
I would play it, but my main character has been stuck in DC purgatory for like 2 months. I left my garrison in the wrong direction and now I DC every time I log in. Character unstuck service doesn't do anything either. Blizzard's response to the known issue: "Just don't leave your garrison that way. Lawl."
Honestly, most private servers these days have fewer bugs than retail does. Blizzard doesn't even care anymore.
I gotta say, I love that you use an absolutely atrocious greenscreen, and just own it proudly.
Yep. This is what I've got. It works. I don't mind. Got a problem with that?
The fact they let this go live like this and needed this feedback to "fix" the event so their customers can enjoy it more says a lot about this company these days. Nor is this close to the first time, got to keep that track record going…
Tbh i played wow for a long time but idk why this expansions feels very eh meh to me like some new addition is useful like warband bank and professions but idk it seem meh
The DK talent tree seem fine but only reason for me to come back is to go on moonguard for the social aspect and rp a bit and even then idk if it's justified
I mean in its essence it’s awful. No one is doing it. I logged in to do dustwallow and no one was there, this is after the hotfix. The game play at each node isn’t fun, the health pools on the mobs is insanely crazy. How hard is it to do legion patch again? Took 30 minutes to gain three levels. I might as well do mop remix and ignore retail still. TWW is off to a terrible start, zero hype generated from this event.
I hate waking up the sleeping pupper in Northrend, but the Pook wants those bags.
The wait within
It's still bad. Also I'm so fucking tired of this "we listened to your feedback" bullshit. It's been 20 years guys, get a grip. The event should be up at all times in every zone, so people can farm whenever they got time during daily.
Shadowlands sucked…..Dragonflight looked like a good chamge of direction…….currently it looks like they want to go back to the path of Shadowlands.
I just wonder why Blizzard has yet to learn how to make anything fun in this game in the first place without the community complaining and then saying "we hear you, we're fixing it"
You know it's bad when crendor makes a video on how bad something is 😂
I didnt see anything about layering…. christ almighty they never learn
It's a look at things to come. Bad expansion incoming.
It’ll be way easier to bust these out daily instead of waiting so long that my alts can’t even do them. The gear being account bound also helps my little packrat gremlin brain so instead of buying 4 leather sets that I only need to buy 1 and give it to an alt to hold onto the keepsake.
Hope they also fix the skyriding issue. It's annoying to mount up & have it acting like you switched to steady flight, but still have the skyriding abilities visible.
I gave up on pre-patch. 1 hour to get 1000 residual memories. Weapon costs 8000 residual memories. Takes 8 hours to get a weapon. 25 characters = 25 days just to arm them all with a weapon. Not wasting my time. Every item should be reduced to 500 residual memories.
They didn't learn from Remix.
The rewards were so expensive that they had to double the amount of bronze for you to be able to get them all and they only just recently nerfed the raids so everyone could farm it easier.
Then they did this bullshit.
Oh I am not the only one having lag issues?
The six quests that come before the boss are over so fast I barely have time to register what's even going on, which is a shame because I know they're referencing old quests like Hogger showing up in one.
Everything about WoW has been garbage since shadow shit show minus dragon flying.
They NEED to just give us WoW 2 and stop holding themselves back on this 20 year old game.
I cant believe ppl are still playing retail wow
Whats the point of a PTR if this stuff hits the main servers this badly designed and broken??
I don't get how after all these years Blizzard still makes these blunders. Idiots are in charge of the game, ffs.
I've got it to work one time that it .
I did the event 3 times, I got actual credit for doing it once. I was there on my first event, took part in 5/6 of the areas, then by the time I flew back to the boss it died before I could even tag it because I used all my 'vigor' getting to the last area, which was on the other side of dragonblight from where the boss spawns, so I had to swap to normal flying after that area was finished 3sec after landing, and with 220% flying I could actually see/target the boss at by the time he reached 10% HP and before I could get within 40 yrds to use SW;P on him he died.
The 3rd one I did was Ony, and despite doing roughly 70% of all the damage during the fight (as I was playing my twink, and was in chromie mode surrounded by levelers with worse gear than Zaluzaron), about ever 45sec the boss would bug out and evade constantly and remove EVERYONE from it's tag list, which also means it's health would be set back to as if only one person was on it. (every time a new player tags the boss the boss HP goes up by 40%)
So naturally, the evade bug happened at exactly 0.7% hp remaining, and the moment it became attractable again it died and literally only the guy to hit it last got credit for killing it, despite the fact I was chunking several % off the boss with some of my attacks up to that point.
The pre-patch event is absolutely terrible.
This was just them trying to get their metrics for logging in, and staying logged in.
Things all players can learn from this:
Never participate in anything early. Blizzard will realize they have screwed up and will buff drops or currency in the first week or two. The fact this just happened in remix and they still failed the same way here is one of at least a dozen examples they just don’t learn. This also includes any and all content patches. Why play months to earn gear when you can just come back at patch X.2.5 and get all the same things it took your main months to get in the same week or even the same day?
They will.
Have to weave the story together.Very well to make it look like anything other than lack of imagination.
I will be skipping this pre-patch event. I am not a beta tester! Blizzard doesn't pay me to fix their problems.