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Levelling in Classic World of Warcraft using CHATGPT

In this video, I am revisiting Classic World of Warcraft using new modern tools, such as the AI ChatGPT. I have never fully levelled to 60 in classic, and that’s always something that has stuck in my head. With these new tools available, I’m going to see if they compare to other levelling guides provided by sites like Zygor or RestedXP, which often require you to pay. I’ll be taking you along the adventures of Bog, my Orc warrior, as we level our way through to 60. Does AI provide the best options? You’ll have to watch it to see.

Intro – 00:00
Creating the guide – 01:42
Levels 1 – 10 – 02:27
Starting the Barrens – 04:06
Dungeon Attempt 1 – 05:58
Dungeon Attempt 2 – 07:20
Levelling Stats and Outro – 09:28

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  1. Retail wow sucks donkey cock, vanilla wow was amazing i made so many friends in it. People were respectful and understanding and wanted to help solve problems, retail wow is "moron, get lost and idiot" for the smallest mistake.

    Back then people asked the healer "do you have enough mana for another pull?" retail is just endless chain pulling.

    Vanilla, "sorry i need a few minutes" and it was "alright let us know when you get back". Retail wow no one notices or the instance is over when the person gets back.

  2. Ayo we had the same childhood it seems. I was making wow test accounts like i was getting paid for that. You didn't even have to make a new email just had to write whatever in there. Good times

  3. Does anyone else just say fuck off Asmongold and instead find the video he reacted to, give him like .5 secs of watch time to see the beginning of the video, then go find the actual video and watch that until the end just to shit all over Asmongold's bullshit reaction trips that he thinks he can get away with cuz more popular? Lol

  4. In Classic, the best way to level was to follow the quests and kill everything you saw in sight along the way… seriously. Also you could go to one of the other faction area, do all their quests, max out the rep before you hit 40 and get a different racial mount. One of the best achievements in the day.

  5. The most accurate sentence – old wow is community based, leveling together with friend, as quests are hard to solo. New wow – killing mobs in 1 sec. I remember times, when tank was giving challenges – sheep that, sap that one, seduce this bastard. Now – lets run to the end of dungeon, the last one reaches – owe me one beer…

  6. I am amused how so many are keen to jump on "current thing" band wagon especially when the game pretty much directs player where to quest etc.

  7. Leveling in classic is simple: JUST. KILL. EVERYTHING. Every time you're running to or from a quest kill every mob you see that's around your level. If you find a group of mobs that drop something which sells well on the AH, spend some time killing loads of them to make some gold (by some time I mean until you can't take any more or they no longer give XP). Before you know it you'll be lvl40 with enough gold for your first mount. Classic wow rewards grinding, and while it may not be as fun as doing dungeons it is definitely the fastest and easiest way to lvl60.

  8. Our first expansion is so often our favourite – but Mists is really darn good, and most people who played it can't disagree.

    My first was TBC, so it'll always hold a special place for me – though objectively its inferior to Wrath and Mists (and maybe even Vanilla). Cata is a tough one – because I did love it. Sometimes. The lack of 'things to do' in between raids was quite tiresome, and they nerfed content too hard and too soon.

  9. Pandaria is your favorite expansion because that's the one you started on. I'm not saying it's not worthy of being your favorite, just saying that almost always it's peoples first expansion they like the best.

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