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Blizzard, This Is The Story We Needed

Threads of Destiny revealed a whole lot about Azj-Kahet before we arrive, and it may have even revealed something new about Xal’atath.
❕Check out our deep dive Lorewalking episode on this cinematic:❕

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  1. This is not from battle for azeroth this is 100s of thousands of years ago they said the fall of the empire and nzoth was a vision of the black empire, this is much older the char model is simply for continuity

  2. lol are you kidding? The story we needed? This is as basic a "betray your own kingdom" story as you can get. And all the power of the void did for the Nerubians is reduce their character designs by 50%. Rather than being cool spider people now, they're more generic driders you'd see from like D&D. Really disappointing change.

  3. Man, I do hope that Priests get some fun special dialogue or even quests as they used Xal'Atath back in Legion. Like it won't make me pick up my own Priest again since I really miss the insane rotation of the Shadow Priest from back then with the void form minigame which was imo very fun but still, would be some excellent fluff

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