These players were WILD
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Tags: Rebirth,Rebirth Island,Rebirth Tips,Rebirth Tips and Tricks,rebirth island spectating,rebirth island tips and tricks,Rebirth Island Tips,How to win rebirth,how to get more kills rebirth,how to play rebirth island warzone,Warzone,Warzone Rebirth,Warzone Rebirth Island,Rebirth Funny,Savage Rebirth,Savage Rebirth Island,Resurgence,Warzone Resurgence,Warzone tips and Tricks,Resurgence Tips,Savage Warzone,Savage2c,Savage Tips,Call of duty,Rebirth Island Coach
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yooooooo Get you a new controller with a Discord using Code: SAVAGE
It's so funny how many bad players have diamond skins. Goes to show that being diamond in ranked means nothing lmao
Fake sweats we call those tryhards. Players who play like they know what they're doing alot more than they actually do. They'll try and get the mvmt on you but the second they aim you roast em. That's a tryhard.
that yy shit is so annoying..all that button pushing but no game sense
The title says it all on this video; Boombastic!
Bruh i had forgot about the perv title 😂😂😂😂😂
The SOB guy that with the YY 360 movement that missed 10+ consecutive shots is everything that’s wrong with cod.
😂😂 1:54
Wish u did one on one coaching
How’s it going savage? Long time I haven’t played in a while been busy but tonight’s the night is the cheating still a big problem?haha
🫵💯you always find some gems man. Dude just started spinning 😂 oh frosty ⛄️