The unforgiving land of the Frostwolf clan does not reward sentiment. When young Durotan’s mother fell deathly ill, he had a choice: Allow her life to come to a natural end, or pay a heavy price to save her.
Take your place on the front lines of the battle for Draenor 11.13.14.
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Nine years later, and this is still one of my absolute favorite pieces of Warcraft media. Utterly heart-wrenching and powerful imagery, and the vocal performances are fantastic.
yarram gibi olmus
Just noticed that both Arthas and Durotan had their major character progression through killing their closest companion, their animal. For Durotan it is his wolf, and for Arthas it was his horse, Invicible. Also, each learned completely different lessons from doing so. Durotan learned the power and need for restraint, while Arthas was taught the importance of mercy and making difficult decisions to avoid suffering
so he killed his dog, nice.
Nice one Altas!
This is about honour!
Why didn't Durotan just put Geyah on Stormfang. They ride wolves, isn't that what they're for?
spoko nawet
Durotans mom is an ungrateful sjw
Moral of the story is you don't let blood lust take over your soul.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Could he just put his mother on the back of his wold and follow his people
RIP StormThang 🙁
"There are two wolves and they are always fighting. One is darkness and despair, the other is light and hope. Which wolf wins, Whichever one you feed"
Thrall's Father
I'm not crying
So no one ever wonder why maraad knew all these stories, sure kargath and grom 're legend, but durotan's is not something to brag to enemy
This series is the absolute best pieces of art Blizz has made <3 Love them to death!
Durotan is my fav orc
Epically sad
before, warcraft became final fantasy…
Stormfang was an absolute friend to durotan.
My favorite orc
I swear these icicles in my eyes are just because of the cold climate of Frostfire Ridge );
Woow the air is so dusty over here ,my eyes started watering for some reason
It can’t be that hard to just make a bloody sled bed for her I mean seriously come on that wolf could’ve definitely pulled it no problem
Durotan is a savage and an unbeatable beast in this story..but then he got beaten in less than 7 minutes by gul'dan in the warcraft movie…
Very disappointing
I'm strong enough to kill hordes and hordes of the most savage garn, yet I can't carry my mother on my back and follow my people – Durotan.
Its kinda sad, if the Frost Wolfs properly trained their blood lust, instead of suppressing it.
It could have been a useful tool, emotions shouldn't be repressed it just leads to a emotional explosion.
Going full on rage mode with no control. Of course, such emotions shouldn't be used all the time, its about balances!
Tho, a Orc's Blood lust is probably hella hard to control properly.
Back here after a few years,
Maraad said there is ONE? ONE? What about Ogrim? There were two non savage orcs for the Draenei….
Duraton after killing the lone Wolf:
"Looks like meat's Back on hte MENU boys !!!
Moral of the story: Turn off Freindly Fire.
This part successfully make me cry
This is why killing Durotan in the movie was bs
Hey people. is anyone know what program used to create this animation and trailer??
no matter what whom ever linked this.. ty.. from Beyond….. ty … ty from her …
Shouldn't they already be fully aware of who Durotan is?
So he couldn't on the back of the wolf lol
The beserker rage.
The wolf reminded me of Huan the Hound from Beren and Luthien
How could Maraad knows Durotan's story? He is Draenei.
i thought he would join the iron horde, but he fights against it in the game…..
Conan should watch this.