[ASMR Gaming] League of Legends Relaxing Gameplay for Sleeping 😴 Mordekaiser Jungle [Bean Bag Sound]
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Jelou evrivariiii
Joder me encanta tu voz, el sonido de las teclas y el raton, y los sonidos extras jsjs, aunq no entiendo el ingles tus videos son muy relajantes
A girl with an accent like this is way better than a beautiful girl
someone playing mordekaiser.
everyone: Zzz
Nice vid!!
your voice is so relaxing!! thank you for the uploads these knock me out in 10 minutes
I see a fellow cultured morde jung
Thank u so much amazing video 😍❤️
can you play enter the gungeon
Bonk master mord is powerful
Would recommend playing top lane teemo with grasp of undying rune build, building liandry, demonic gaze etc.
Plzzz do a supp senna ✨🤍
What happend to your amount of subscribers, last time I looked you had arround 470 and now: Bam 750. Nice Video, very entertaining and good quality, keep it up.
Oh no you forgot to buy the items this time xD , this is worst than buying wrong items
🙈 we didn’t notice dont worry
Oh gosh u made morde work so smoothly in the jgl, while im here struggling to not go 0/10 in top lane… Good job!
I wish you would take me to Brazil.
It’s really just my weird self but it bothers me when I see people not level up abilities immediately, excluding at the beginning of the game
Nice mord I don’t play characters like him usually as they feel slow and I end up inting a lot but for you to go 6-1-3 shows that you’re definitely better!!😂😂😅😅
When are you gonna play azir🥺. Im waiting for it🥺
What peak rank are you azuki???
So cool video, im glad that you tried mordekaiser, playing with him is so fun :]
Great vid! I would love to see vayne gameplay
forgot jungle item again 🤣
Can you play gwen? ^_^
mid yone plz nice video <3