Eliryssas, is a determined and skilled warlock hailing from Stormwind. Though still early in her training, she has been entrusted with a crucial mission in Northshire Abbey. Known for her talent with shadow magic and her loyal imp companion, Eliryssa has already proven her worth in battle, particularly against the Blackrock orcs threatening the region. Her current assignment at the Abbey is of vital importance, as she works to secure the area and protect it from further invasions. Driven by a deep sense of duty and a desire to safeguard her homeland, Eliryssa is quickly earning a reputation as a rising hero within the Alliance. Her presence at Northshire Abbey is seen as pivotal in the ongoing efforts to maintain peace and stability in the valley.
In every corner of World of Warcraft, there are stories waiting to be told. Through my work, I aim to bring these tales to life with immersive gameplay and engaging narration. I also give voice to both the characters and NPCs, using AI-generated voices to enhance the experience.
Here is another story line you might enjoy
I didn’t know i needed this.
I don't hate the idea, but needs some proper voice work/AI tuning