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  1. 9:32 the way you say pizza here in my country totally means something else. What's even funnier you mention eating it with your wife. Sorry, I had to. x,D
    Love the channel btw!

  2. D4 ruined itself by being a store first and game second. You'd think they'd add the transmogs to WoW though since players have been wanting that for so long now, not diablo.

  3. Honestly they should just give them full 480 gear. Just give them a full set of the pre-patch gear since it really doesn't matter anymore anyways

  4. Gimme HOTS Auto Chess or something. I love auto chess but would much prefer playing a blizz themed one rather than the LoL themed one.

    Also that pizza hut promo is genius. They would sell SO much pizza for TWW release if they had that promo here lol Might have to get that candy though if I can, that's a dope pet and I could always go for some candy.

  5. Why is the ilvl their giving us in this new content so low I mean heck 415 that's liker heroic from season 1 were up to 520s and your telling me the questing from this new expac will be relevant for that lower ilvl until your 75ish wow they have got alot to look over and twink. 😂 I can't anymore I'm 520 myself soo

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