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The Biggest Mistakes Healers Make In M+ Dungeons

The War Within expansion will being many new players to heal in WoW for the first time. In this video I go over some of the biggest mistakes I see when healing dungeons. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:

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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new War Within expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.

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  1. Some good healer tips. Def take advantage of your classes utility and use them in dungeons for big trash packs….. interrupts, aoe stuns, knockbacks, cc like hex, or whatever. It helps alot to slow incoming damage and give u some time to top people up. I play shaman, most Enhance (melee dps) but heal as Resto too so I love to take advantage of stuff like wind shear ranged interrupt to stop casters for a big dmg spell or heal, or hex an enemy off to the side or even just for a second to stop a cast or keep it from doing damage. I also have the problem of holding my healer or defensive CD's too much, if u have a 1, 2, 3 min cd then take advantage of it often cause if u use it for one trash pack it will prob be up and ready in a few min for the next pack. I have the habit of thinking to wait till emergencies and the last minute when I thnk I really need it, but that could mean u might not use it for 10 min when in those 10 min u could have gotten 2-3 uses out of that bigger CD and made things easier for u overall during that time…. but still have it for that big aoe pack or boss fight in 10 min. Its hard to break that habit of saving CD's for emergencies, but using cd's consistently as heals, tank, or dps will help in the long run.

  2. The problem is that the top % design doesn't allow for any mistakes and of course to have any sort of redundancy as a healer, if a DPS or a tank does a mistake or 2 you're screwed, at least in a pug setup.
    Past certain keys, you are either doing it perfectly or you don't.
    8:34 this is gonna be such a stomper in pugs, it tells you to either absolutely perfectly interrupt if it's your turn or accept dying if you don't or mess up overlapping with someone else especially when delusional tanks pick more pack with casters what how many interrupts your group and this is literally the cherry on the top.

    If Blizzard wants to kill pugs past a certain key level, and slightly below that, make the healer always have to pay for someone's mistake of not using their interrupt, that's "great" way to do it.
    I predict that before Blizzard realises what a dumbass decisions that is, a lot of people would have quit M+ and go push high delves in the TWW instead, maybe that is the intention anyway, so if you are basically taken way the choice, well, if the game wasn't shitty already in this for healers, making more…i don't see how creating more toxicity makes for a better game for healers, it's like this company never plays their game at all.

  3. good stuff! when I started healer role back in WOTLK, through out the game i was like doing every mistake you mentioned 🙂 but, yea, now I learned 🙂

    Also, I think the most important is to get blame-immunity especially in pugs 🙂 ibrealle improved in healing when I stopped caring if ppl are alive or not xD I mean that anxiety coming from blaming can really ruin gameplay, so remember its game and its for fun 🙂

  4. Saying fault doesnt matter is far too lenient and we all know it. If 1 or 2 ppl are consistently causing wipes, regardless of whag u can do better, thats a problem and needs to be rectified

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