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Winners & Losers of The War Within: Healers Are In A WILD Place

Not sure how to break this – the tank nerfs are your problem, healers. That’s one of the biggest changes coming into the expansion, but the upside is that almost every healer’s been upgraded or revamped in fantastic ways. Key word: almost.
Check out or guide to finding a spec you’ll love 👉

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  1. Clearly, none of you remember dungeons when Cata launched.
    By nerfing class defensives and increasing punishing mechanics, dungeons are going to be miserable, probably worse than Cata, until either Blizz patch or people overgear them.

    So, yet again, Blizzard have answered forum QQ by destroying "FUN" for the sake of "Balance on Paper".

    I hope you lot are happy with what you asked for.

  2. I used to work as an environmental activist many many years ago when I was teenager and into my early 20s. We had a similar principal called KISS 💋. Keep it short and simple. I feel like that velocity would work well for a lot of YouTube videos.

  3. It makes me sad that everyone is happy about Glimmer being gone. Glimmer healing/DPSing in Legion was one of the most enjoyable times healing I have ever had in this game. It was unique and flexible. And then they nerfed it into the ground so much that everyone hated it.

    Pally healing was always so boring, it was a breath of fresh air. I've never been able to enjoy pally healing since, and celebrating it being removed feels like a mistake to me. Especially when we are talking about how healers are expected to deal damage these days. It worked so well with that.

  4. Idk man – "more mechanically involved than ever"? Did you guys play Cata? The dungeons were so damn mechanically hard (which I loved by the way) that people complained and they overcorrected lol. Are we talking original cata-hard dungeons or like…mysts?

  5. I tried levelling a healer recently but dropped it the second I was kicked from a dungeon (not hc or mythic) for not doing enough dps. I play for fun, was having fun healing. Not anymore

  6. Fine, I will be back on this expac… But only because I hated to heal people who go from 100% hp to 40% then 10%. Healing in wow have been a mental charge dps players will never understand. All we asked was a rework of the healing or having brained dps…

  7. Idk about mistweaver, feels like I have to play monk now as it played back in draenor plus additional fist weaving. I thought font was iconic and what the spec was missing before 🙁 I'll be a totemic shaman and I am excited for the new totem 😊

  8. I've played on and off since vanilla. I played vanilla, tbc, wotlk, beginning of cata, beginning of mop, missed legion wod, played a bit of SL, half of DF.

    Back in the day i mained resto druid throughout vanilla tbc and wotlk, did light raiding and heroics mostly. The focus was on mana management, and basically constant healing management across the group and MT.

    I wanted to heal in DF again but was put off so much by a measure of a the different healing specs being how much damage they output – like wtf i would roll a dps spec if I wanted to be dpsing! It just seemed so counter-intuitive to me. Coupled with tanks having insane survivability it almost felt like the healing class was irrelevant. This was a huge turn off to me and i ended up not playing healer at all.

    I look forward to healers actually becoming healers again; if a healer has so much down time inbetween heals that it needs to DPS and this becomes a key measure of the spec, then something is broken imo.

  9. with tranq getting a big upfront part resto druid has a decent chance of showing up in raids now, resto has always shone with ridiculous throughput but struggled with dangerous moments because of a lack of emergency heals, the way they shift healing in addition to giving them a buff in that are makes me think that resto will be creeping up on some of these raid slots 😀

  10. Thinking I'm going to Main Resto Sham and offspec Ele. I love the core gameplay of resto shaman, and Totemic to me actually sounds super fun. I'll give both a try though for sure.

  11. Are these changes already in place with the pre-patch? Because if they are nothing has changed. Doing M+ is still ping pongy, tanks are still the most indestructible as they've ever been, and I can still do dps as a resto shaman

  12. Personally I started wow back in TBC because I really loved the look of the Draenei shaman and only further loved them because of the totems. Totemic is my shamanic dream come true I only wish we still had a skill to plonk four totems around us

  13. does he ever say anything slightly negative or critical? i got no information from this besides "everything is good and the healing design direction is good". i came out still not knowing if DPSing is still required or which class is best for what playstyle of healing.

  14. Informationally a great video, but this video could use a re-edit. Lots of audio balance issues and repeated lines. Lower than your usual exceptionally high bar of quality, but good video nonetheless

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