Locations For Outlets
State Rooms
3rd Class
Next to Zeus Statue
Top of the Staircase (Upper Grand)
In a barricade on the Aft Decks
The order of the Trials
Water/ Ice
You Can only Shoot One Element Per a Round
You get them starting on round 6 and one will spawn each round in order
Can do the trials all in one round
Links to follow
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Links To Steps
Artifact/ Pack-A-Punch Locations- https://youtu.be/Ml3l-TFJyB4
Clock Locations And Activation – https://youtu.be/lQTDlzFdOyo
Outlet Locations and Trial Steps/ Tips- https://youtu.be/PYTQ1xIc_No
Pipe Locations- Pack-A-Puck Artifact – https://youtu.be/zgbw0GLfN8A
Planet Locations/ Activation – https://youtu.be/ar0vIZiOMiY
Boss Fight + Ending Cutscene !!!- https://youtu.be/VpC9nV3v2UM
Any idea why my pipes aren't leaking I checked all the portals and they were gone
Good video but bruh game sounds is so high compared to voice when it's hectic
Good video. Kinda hard to hear ur voice over the gameplay tho
Do you have to do the boss fight to get the complete the trials trophy?