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"Short video"… Bro, this is a simple 1min question/answer… Was absolutely no reason to make it 6! minutes long.
I assume the 36 slot bags we can buy by the bank FOR our bank slots are also converted to 30 slot bags?
I quadrupled my number of 70's. I now have at least one toon of every race and 2 toons of each class. One Alliance and one Horde.
oh shit my 36 slot bags are gone then
wow just like getting out of jail, hares some crap clothes and 20 bucks
I love the remix idea. I hope this happens again with other expansions. It is absolutely amazing and one of the best ideas they’ve had in a very very, very long time. I love it. I hope it comes back and I’m gonna miss it.
They should of let us keep the 556 gear we grinded for in remix
Do they replace bank bags? Particularly the ones that I purchase from the whelp sitting by the bank.
I feel like I should be able to keep all my gear I got while doing remix Its all max level purple gear that I spent a lot of time getting so what was the point if I am being put back down to basic level? Theirs no reason why we all can't keep the gear we got.
You dont get to keep the 36 slot bags? 🙁
Remix was fun. Looking forward to doing another remix event with a previous expansion down the line.
do evokers have a unique boosted armor set?
So how did you make a time runner on beta when beta starts you at lvl 80? So explain. Also how did you end time running when time running ain't over lmao so explain.
So glad my evoker is finally coming out of remix jail! Seriously wish they gave us the option of removing characters from remix early..
Great video. I have a hundred thousand unspent bronze on one character because I didn't buy a lot of stuff. Does all that bronze disappear without having a vendor to spend it on if I don't spend it by the 19th?
Been noted earlier that characters bellow level 30 kept 420 flying speed.
But who knows.
The pre-expansion (memories) patch is dropping at times ilvl 490+ gear. you're kind of getting screwed by not being able to do that.
Anyone know if ill keep those damn papers for sunreaver/kirin tor rep? Dont want to have to finish out that rep with the annoying dailys.
how do you have all your bags combined like that?
I loved remix, I made a level 20 monk twink in remix from my starter account, and carried and leveled every single class to 70 when back then I only had 2 classes at 70 in like 1 hour of running heroic dungeons! With the free bronze you get from hitting level 70, I bought every mount, transmogs, and toys.
Remix was awesome but characters should have been released at the start of the Prepatch event imo. Itching to play my mistweaver monk again.
I hope they do a legion remix. I lost interest in the pandaria one almost immediately because that expansion had no mounts or transmog that i wanted.
Fingers crossed for legion remix next
Thank you vm for the video !!
I have enjoyed the Remix event. Although I really enjoyed leveling toons screaming fast I don't think it is something they will do often, as in less than 30 days I have added 11 max level toons to my list. It was a great way for people with limited time to power up to 70 to be ready for the War Within. I did enjoy it. (If they should do it again…… Litch King!)
Damnit I was hoping we could save all our power items and gems
Will they give you higher gear based on your item level from timerunning? Or will a character with fully upgraded gear be given the same starting loadout as someone who just hit 70?
I was right to just farm the t-mog, pets and mounts and not care about the ilv, I had friends who kept grinding thinking their character would start with a better gear on retail lmao, fools, we all get the same armor and they all farmed for nothing xd
I didnt really like remix. It felt like a mobile game, just logging in and afk trough dungeons and raids and then click the shiny loot Button.
The start was kinda fun but it just feels like a waste of time grinding, because you are literally afk on follow.
I feel like they should have made some goals, like clearing every raid 5 times for the raids set in that difficulty.
At least a tabard, shirt or even just a title would have been a nice touch
Man, I kinda don’t want it to end. Not only do I have a bunch of weapon appearances to collect, but it’s just a ton of fun to play.
I’d love for this to be an evergreen feature to replace chrome time, where you just OP your way through an expansion and then transfer it to retail whenever you’re ready. I’d definitely keep a toon time-locked in each expansion if I could
Intresting that all the quests are flagged as completed in pandaria. What about all the mogs from quest rewards? Do you get then too? You obs don't get them in remix as you don't get the items
Remix has been fun. Honestly, I'm gonna miss it. Haven't had this much fun in a LONG time leveling alts. I sure hope they bring it back!
I'd love to know if the Timeless Isle Teleport item gets transferred over to retail. I'd assume it does, but it is Blizz. Also, it's a real shame that Timeless Coins don't transfer 🙁
i hope for wod remix and it to bring back the wod heirlooms i missed out on next!
I was holding onto all my rep tokens from the warbringers and scouts to send to my main and delete my Timerunner. Will those count as "unlearned items" like the ensembles?
(I leveled toons I already have multiples of and don't plan on keeping any timerunners.)
2:19 I know I've had the "Character gear update" option that also does that occasionally so its possible that will make it into live.
does anyone know if we lose timeless coins? wasn't able to farm up enough for the mount yet but would kinda suck to lose that progress
Hi, Did you check your bank slots? If you purchased them in Remix were they there in main timeline?
What about timeless coins? I've got a ton of them. Are they getting deleted?
Before remix ends, log onto all your toons, get naked, destroy all that stuff for bronze, and spend it all. Just a tip.
i will miss the powers i have now in panda remix
Mop was the probably the ONLY expansion that every class was ridiculously strong
leveled every alt race I did not yet have heritage armor for, so they will all be deleted. Bunch of warriors and mages.
The only thing I wanna know and can't find answers to. Will there be a way to get garrison and dalaran hearthstones activated on these time runners.
Fun time, would love them to do it again, but with less of a grind for the weapons. As a collector, it’s been frustrating.
Do the remix character start with Catalyst charges? So you throw the prepatch gear into the catalyst?