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TBC Classic was nearly 2 years ago, and as the time passes, people only begin to miss it more.
Today I go over the defining features of WoW’s first expansion and how it was during its Classic re-release.
But the ultimate question is – will Blizzard ever provide TBC specific server ever again?
This is why WoW’s Forgotten Expansion Is Growing In Popularity… | WoW Classic
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Returning Ragnarok Online Player? Check out the new Ragnarok Origin: ROO today here!:
Get Extra Bonuses Using Code — WILLE16532137
The code will expire on 14th of Sept.
Gifts included in the code:-
Gacha Ticket*1 + Wild Kiwi*4 + Deviruchi Voucher*4
I'd pay double monthly just to play TBC! Please just give the people what they want.
People will claim to miss this over and over, but then just raid log and complain about it being a dead game or server.
Genuinely i think attunements should make a comeback in retail now that warbands are a thing
Damn they should make TBC servers and also WOTLK servers, as well as Cata servers, and HC servers, and SOD servers, and vanilla servers, so that way everyone can get exactly what they want and there will be 5 players per server. Why didn’t blizzard think of this already?
I would return to WoW if they rereleased Classic TBC
I’d like a way to play BC again but to skip hellfire peninsula. That zone is pure cancer
sod is the real tbc get with the times scrubs 🙂
TBC was the perfect middle ground between 2h farming for easy raids and difficulty problems of WotLK. Defenetly my favorite on the Classic journey so far.
Of course, it's Lore is awful. But fixing that is up to Classic Plus. TBC is just a very good version of WoW I'd like to play again at some point.
could TBC SOD work?
tbc was just perfect the way it worked with its imperfections, its that what made the expansion feel special tbh – no need for the whole quality of life changes for me – wotlk and cataclysm have that but its another era of WoW
I missed TBC Classic when they did it and was super disappointed they didn't do an Era server for it (though I can understand how that'd split playbases further and further). But it was when I really got into the game and it's what I have the most nostalgia for. I just really like the idea of Classic having progression servers like other games do, so Season of Discovery TBC perhaps? Who knows.
If there’s one classic expansion im done with that is tbc. Group buffs were a nightmare, missing a critical buff spec in your raid (real life happens) was horribly unforgiving, it was bound to be a shitty week when it did, specially shadow priests and shamans
Yes, yes I would
FRESH TBC please! Not interested in having Era, it should be a full FRESH with patch cycles. I would actually be playing TBC FRESH over everything that is out right now. Rotate FRESH vanilla, TBC….and I guess wrath (but after playing it again it's actually pretty meh IMO)…..and I'd just recycle them over and over.
Do you know why rogue and warrior were speculated to be worse than they actually were?
It's because the speculation was based on private server performance and not a single private server got glancing blow calculations right, combined with the 2x health pool and 1.5x monster damage on most of them, made melee look like absolute garbage when it really wasn't that bad
Dark portal pass ruined it once. they will do it again. all they care about is $$$$$. the problems were easy to fix. take away pay to win and immediate dungeon/ raid ques. make the game CLASSIC. not pay to win. people overcomplicate everything when in reality greed is what ruined wow classic. not wow classic
Aesthetically TBC is unmatched imo. The gear sets, the zones, the sci-fi elements, the drakes, and more i'm probably forgetting. So cool. It was also the last Classic expansion where the gold supply wasn't completely out of whack and anyone could farm valuable commodities in the open world The bad is that a lot of classes still had 1-2 button vanilla rotations in pve and the pvp was plagued by rng. The raid composition requirements were a challenge but I also think it cohered PVE around dedicated raid groups and I personally liked the fact that near every spec had a valuable and often unique contribution to the raid. I think if you made some gameplay tweaks it'd be infinitely replayable for me.
The not liking hard trash is bad making trash easier and stuff less grindy means everyone just blows through everything faster and then you have everyone complaining there is nothing to do and yell at the developers to release content quicker but then you blow through the expansions and then complain there needs to be new stuff but then after a while everyone wants the expansions to come back