Complete Playlist :
Credits to Doublehex
Acree album Arkenstone blizzard Brower cataclysm complete complete soundtrack david Derek diablo diablo 3 Draenor Duke Edo full ost full soundtrack Glenn Guidotti guru Hayes hearthstone Heroes of the Storm Jason Jeremy Matt Music Neal ninja OST Pandaria pvp reaper of souls Russell score Soule soundtrack Stafford starcraft starcraft 2 Uelmen unreleased warcraft Warlords Warlords of Draenor world of warcraft wow
This track played the first time for me after that goblin sends you on a rocket up a cliff. I landed, and this started playing, and I just stopped and listened.
Gives me good memories of sitting waiting for the time lost proto Drake, very chill zone
The best Soundtrack of the Series.
This is great art! <3
this give me chill bones, so perfect
One of the reasons i love wrath of the lich king is because of lich king the places the death knights and this beautiful ost
This was epic