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5 Things I WANT EA Sports to Add For NHL 25!

NHL 25 is just around the corner and I want to see some big changes for this years game. So today, I share the top 5 things that I want EA sports to add to the game for NHL 25. These are either brand new game modes or additions to ones that already exist. What do you want EA to add for NHL 25? Hope you enjoyed.

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  1. I'll tell ya what I want!! First of all. Screw this online shit. Everyone wines wines wines, about the damn ultimate teams, Modes etc etc. Guys, this game is bullshit! Why? Because everyone complains, and they focus to much on the shit being asked for In this video! That's the reality. I've been playing these games since the beginning. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm really not. However these types of asks are ehy these game fuckin stinks. They need to focus solely on gameplay. The skating has been the same since 2012. As well as the passing, shooting! My God don't get me started on goaltending. Speaking from goaltenders' perspective. When u deake, why is the puck stuck to your stick? Lol. The skating has ZERO relation to deaking. Look at the 321 mark of this clip. Does any of you deak like that when u play.? Does any NHL player deake like that? Now it's a game, I get that. But the reason it stays the same is because of this online shit kept being asked for. They need to fix all of these things first before worrying about anything else. We will never get a better than decent fameplay mechanics if everyone keeps buying their trash, or they keep making gameplay trash because they keep focusing on the wrong things. Now yes, u guessed it. I prefer to play the regular season off line. But, I do play online sometimes as well. But, they focus way to much time on this stuff and not what they should. U can say what u want but I'm right. U can hate madden all u want. But atlest the players look like what a person looks like when they run! Or through a ball! MLB the show for the most part, yep, looks like what it should when someone swings a bat pr throughs a ball. Fifa looks like a person kicking a ball. Can u say the same thing about the skate/ deake/ pass relationships in this game? No cannot. Now, whether they need more gameplay peeps working on it, or by God take a year off and build from scratch. If they pitch 1000 animations crap for 25 I'm gonna scream. Ohh right, almost forgot.. off line AI is terrible too. Too many locked animations. They need to be able to play more authentically. Give them more decision making ability. They're looked into animations which basically means, any situation, they can only make say, as example, 3 animation type decisions. It chooses thr best one. This is why when u play off line the AI performs basically perfectly. Ex. U get the puck coming into your end. The D automatically has chosen the right decision and they are already back at their own blueline before you play the puck. Which is why it's so hard to get breakaways or force them to make a mistake. Like u can a human controlled player. Is virtually impossible. I'm saying this because it's a common complaint from a lot of gamers about the gameplay being "more realistic".. EA, always tells us it's the most realistic gameplay. Ha. Lies.

  2. These wishlist videos this year are absolute garbage. This game needs a huge overhaul on gameplay and graphics. The game is so repetitive and not fun at all. There’s no skill gap between players. Skating feels the worst it’s ever been before. The stuff you mentioned is cool sure but that’s not going to fix the game and make it fun when playing the actual game is boring af.

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