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Quest The Restless Earth WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Quest The Restless Earth WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest The Restless Earth WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.

To begin the Quest The Restless Earth, speak with Ahmo Thunderhorn located at coordinates 47.60, 59.69 in Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore). You will need to use the Drums of the Soothed Earth to calm 6 Agitated Earth Spirits. To complete the quest, head to Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) and talk to Ahmo Thunderhorn at coordinates 47.60, 59.69.

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Start: Quest The Restless Earth WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail
🫡 Ahmo Thunderhorn
🗨️ Until recently, a group of dwarves intruded on our lands to the west, carving the earth apart senselessly to search for treasure. When the very earth ifself tore apart, the spirits of the land they had abused rose up and took their revenge.

The agitated earth spirits still roam the former dig site, Druidnildo. We must offer them appeasement.

Take this drum with you to the west and play to the spirits. The rhythm may calm their fury and confusion.

Quest Objectives: You will need to use the Drums of the Soothed Earth to calm 6 Agitated Earth Spirits.

End: Quest The Restless Earth WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail
😯 Ahmo Thunderhorn
🗨️ The land is clearly still in great upheaval if it took such efforts to calm.

Remember this, Druidnildo. Do not forget seeing the fate of those who would scar the Earth Mother.

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This quest is also available in other languages, such as:
German: Quest Ruhelose Erde WoW | Mulgore
Benutzt die Trommel der besänftigten Erde, um 6 aufgebrachte Erdgeister zu beruhigen.
– Geister beruhigt (6)
Bereitgestellter Gegenstand:
– Trommel der besänftigten Erde

English: Quest The Restless Earth WoW | Mulgore
Use the Drums of the Soothed Earth to calm 6 Agitated Earth Spirits.
– Spirits Calmed (6)
Provided item:
– Drum of the Soothed Earth

Spanish: Misión La tierra inquieta WoW | Mulgore
Utiliza los tambores de la tierra aliviada para calmar a 6 espíritus de tierra perturbados.
– Espíritus calmados (6)
Objeto provisto:
– Tambores de la tierra aliviada

French: Quête La terre s’agite WoW | Mulgore
Servez-vous du Tambour de la terre apaisée pour calmer 6 Esprits de la terre agités.
– Esprits calmés (6)
Objet fourni :
– Tambour de la terre apaisée

Italian: Missione L’irrequieta terra WoW | Mulgore
Usa il Tamburo della Terra Pacifica per calmare 6 Spiriti Agitati della Terra.
– Spiriti calmati (6)
Articolo Fornito:
– Tamburo della Terra Pacifica

Russian: Квест Беспокойная земля WoW | Мулгор
Используйте барабан успокоения Земли, чтобы успокоить 6 потревоженных духов земли.
– Духи успокоены (6)
Прилагается предмет:
– Барабан успокоения Земли

Korean: 대지의 안식 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어
위로받은 대지의 북으로 흥분한 대지의 정령 6마리를 달래야 합니다.
– 정령 달래기 (6)
제공된 아이템:
– 위로받은 대지의 북

Chinese: 不休的大地任务 WoW | 莫高雷
– 安抚灵魂 (6)
– 宁静大地之鼓

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