So it started off as a short video about a discovery I made within the game and turned into this. I hope you enjoy.
00:00 Introduction
00:56 How high can these stacks go?
03:24 Result
04:01 Why is this number significant?
04:42 bits and bytes and binary numbers
07:11 The largest binary number
07:55 Application in other games
09:08 Needlessly hype ending
Hello bindigs here – I couldn't think of a good title for this video so if you have a good idea comment below and ill make the most liked comment the title of the video (ill do my best to update the thumbnail accordingly).
LMFAO I literally ran past this guy when y'all were testing this completely clueless about it. I then saw a massive fist smashing through the center of the room and I jumped out of my chair XD I had no clue this was a thing l. Never knew he could get that big.
bro randomly dropped a cs lesson in binary
Lol you go agnar
Title should be "This is not a video about World of Warcraft"