This is a TLDR Guide for Mythic Plus Augmentation Evoker for the 11.0 Patch of World of Warcraft the War Within. This is meant to be short, sweet, and to the point.
Find me here:
00:13 – Primary Job
01:03- Gameplay Loop
02:39- Using Major Cooldowns
03:32- Using Filler Spells
03:57- Defensives
04:47- Utility
05:05- Stat Priority
05:44- Chronowarden Talents & Rotation
06:43- Scalecommander Talents & Rotation
07:50- Aug good in low keys? How to spot a good Aug
08:46- Final Thoughts
Recommended Weakauras:
Buff Reminders
Recommended Macros:
Change stances:
/cast [nostance:1] Black Attunement(Black)
/cast [nostance:2] Bronze Attunement(Bronze)
Mouseover abilities (change to ability of your choice):
#showtooltip Expunge(Green)
/cast [@mouseover] Expunge(Green)
Cancelaura Tip The Scales (Chronowarden)
/cancelaura Tip The Scales
See written guides for additional macros
Recommended Addons:
Clique (mouseover alternative)
My brain is tiny. I said upheaval as a filler spell instead of eruption. Oh well, not reuploading. I assume nobody is confused by that 😛
Ty for the guide 😮
Sense Power is now in game.
Great guide – thanks for posting!
Ayyy subbed to this channel few hours ago, because i was hoping you'd post a guide for 11.0 , ggs