Xalatath Seduces Alleria Cinematic. Queen Ansurek Announces War. All Cutscenes. World of Warcraft. War Within. The Nerubians pledge allegiance to Xalatath and the Void. A small number of them plan an insurrection. Alleria is tempted by Xalatath to the Void.
Anduin Meets Arathi & Faerin Lothar. Hallowfall Cutscenes. Buried underneath Khaz Algar, we enter Hallowfall, the second zone after defeating the High Speaker and saving the Ringing Deeps. The Arathi live under the star Beledar whose light supports life, but has lately started turning Dark since Sargeras fateful last move. Xalatath torments Anduin & Alleria with the Void
End-screen Undead Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6sqtJO0ic4
Arthas My Son Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYFM_uOLIws
Arthas Invincible Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CSyeFr-vNU
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Who am I? Grand Marshal Athelarius. Former Rank 1 Gladiator & Cutting Edge Raider. Lover of Warcraft Lore.
0:00 Ansurek Announces War
1:27 Xalatath Seduces Alleria To Void
3:25 Flynn Hidey Spot
4:24 Alleria & Anduin Make Peace
6:11 Anduin Comforts Alleria
Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
**More Warcraft Lore to add to your playlist & viewing pleasure for loregas
All Shadowlands Cinematics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MKtq_9n7RI
All Battle For Azeroth Cinematics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcVYsE1yzBI
All Cataclysm Cinematics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLfoBjppW6U
All Warcraft 3 + WoW Cinematics (2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxdX2d0vZDk
All Wrath of the Lich King Cinematics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOL4FzjCDsw
*Arthas Complete Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXpwPZoo09o (Lich King Movie)*
Illidan Stormrage’s Story & Sacrifice [Full Warcraft Lore]
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeooZNl_tDY
All WoW Raid Ending Cinematics [TBC – BFA]
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXuw1G8xISs
Shadowlands Launch Movie: (Up to 9.1 Chains of Domination)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGQqABOM9sU
BFA Story Movie: (All Cinematics from 8.0 to 8.3)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcVYsE1yzBI
Legion Cinematics: (All Cinematics from 7.0 to 7.3.5)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsj9DTvujPEWafMtyPVDt0ClYshZ1lz0Q
Warcraft 3 Full Story: (All Reforged Cinematics)
#wow #warwithin #cinematics
As an ongoing cancer survivor, Warcraft’s stories continue to be a source of comfort & relief. This is the best way I’ve found to introduce the wonderful World of Warcraft to old and new players alike, with its rich lore, characters and extreme potential. You can expect a retelling of in-game questlines, dialogue, adventures, cinematics & cutscenes to help players keep up with the ever evolving lore of the game.
It’s an incredible experience from start to finish! If that sounds like you, then you’re in the right place!
World of Warcraft belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).
A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.
World of Warcraft. Chains of Domination. All Cinematics up to 9.1 Recap. Includes Sylvanas vs. Bolvar, Nathanos vs. Tyrande, Anduin vs. Sylvanas, Mourneblade Reborn, Ysera’s Rebirth, Denathrius’ Betrayal & Covenant Campaigns with Kael’thas and Kel’thuzad & Arthas Memories.
World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
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©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Cum Alleria, embrace who you truly are 💜
What the hell did they do to Ansurek's voice? She did not sound this distorted and weird in the Threads of Destiny video.
Oh, when will Anduin, Jaina and Thrall stop being NPC's following in the footsteppes of the lattest baddie? Thats all they do ever since battle for Azeroth.
That's an incorrect use of the word "seduces"
Good job Anduin
Pretty much saved Xalatath with that scream.
Tell me why the Windrunners are such an important part to Warcraft that they must be the main character of each expansion? Why is Anduin still a pusso after 25 expansions? Must we see him go through the same character arc 10 times??? I already know they are going to cuck Turalyon's character both figuratively and literally, he's gonna lose his wife and they are going to make some statement about how its wrong for a Paladin to trust in the Light of all things then he's going to get killed miserably by Xalatath or even his own corrupted Wife without doing anything cool.
This story seems familiar
Almost like Xalatath is the new Slyvanas and Alleria is the new Anduin.
Can someone tell me how this connects with the dragons from last year 😂
guys Alleria is taken already, Xalatath ain't seducing shit
Alleria is such a babe
I gotta say, the dialogue in this story is S-tier. Even just the 'stay a while and listen' sects in game between Anduin and Magni pulled me in.
Shoulda left her in the blade
i think next expansion will be about mammals
alleria is on ozempic too
2:50 I love the transition with the music and expression face Xal'Athath damn so epic
I look forward to killing Xalatath in LfR, using 2 buttons while standing in the fire.
Feelings! God this is so lame
Xalalath: SEDUCE ME!
Alleria: No!
So Alleria is the new Silvannas?, a character that no one cares about is the face of the game after u killed the coolest hero of Azeroth in the most stupid possible way?, glad i left after Legion, this feminist crap keep going downhill
Um, is Zev'Kall voiced by Willem Defoe in this expansion of World of Warcraft?!?! O_O
Wow another mind control story
Gods this looks like shite!!
I'm so tired of this moral relativism shite. No Blizzard, the Void is not good. No Blizzard, the LIght is not evil. Yes Blizzard, there is literally nothing wrong with killing demons/void horrors to stop a void horror from literally eating Azeroth. And no Blizzard, not even lesbian elf subtext is enough to sell me on any of this nonsense.
i def ship it
FF14 community: makes sure to use obfuscating titles and thumbnails so no one get's spoilered by accident even a month into the new expansion.
WoW community: "How dare you peasant not fork over the additional 40$ for early access and also complete the campaign on day 2?? Eat this title and thumbnail spoiler!"
Alliance & Horde female
It's taking VA very dangerous turn to the worse . Jailer on a whole new level.
Seduces? What word is that?? 😮
Stop posting spoilers
Video title: "Xalatath Seduces Alleria"
Dialog at 0:00 mark: 😚
I am shipping Alleria and Xal'atath now :3
this is so dumb.. Alleria an elf that's been waging a war for 1000's of years gets disarmed by some random spell
how you guys feel about this story and stuf?
I swear the windrunner sisters are doomed to ruin.
Is that piano piece in-game? That's so wonderful
everyone wants to be a critic"…..
The Windrunner is messing things up!
yes! now THAT I can always expect.
3:04 bliz aint even trying to hide it.
For you freaks out there….Just a heads up, Xal isn't actually a female.
yeah i want bug people
There are not horde character left for the lore?
3:28 That guy on the right looks like a damn Christmas tree on steroids. Is he pretending to be hiding?