Is WoW still worth playing? MoP isn’t too shabby… if you like running the same raid 9 million times. So many improvements to the game though! IS THE JUGGERNAUT MMO READY TO BE DETHRONED? Or will it continue to dominate the market until SWTOR decides to release expansions with content exceeding that of a patch?
Prepare your wallets.
WoW Discussion playlist:
Songs used:
“The Terminal – Piano” by shadow6nothing9
“In A Strange Rapture” by SoundChris
“Overcast World” by OcularNebula
“Wandering Around” by shadow6nothing9
Footage is copyright Blizzard.
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Nope, bought the expansion in August, stopped playing in September; having been in game since late Vanilla. Same old, same old since Cata – massive lag on release followed by really easy leveling and boring repetitive dailies (sorry world quests). As stated many, many times below LFG is a massive mistake requiring no skill, interaction or ability. In vanilla our guild used to organise and talk about stuff including guild runs. My current (well 3 months ago) large and active guild don't even bother to organise a run; all members seem to prefer LFG or just none group content. For a supposed MMORPG that's a pretty sad indictment! All imho, of course
So I haven’t played wow since cataclysm is it worth it to start playing again? I’ve seen many videos about wow being dead.
I've been playing on private servers since start of Cata, mainly Vanilla realms but have max level toons on TBC & Wraith realms as well.
DC Universe suck!
"As long as you have goals in this game (RL) you'll always think it's worth playing"… Sorry not sorry W.O.W.I miss you but I won't come back anytime soon.
i play my games for…..FUN
I hope WoW never goes free to play, because, free to play means pay to win isn't far behind.
If you're thinking about playing wow hit me up, I'll do Recruit a Friend with you which gives you 300% bonus xp when leveling and I'll give you some in game currency! Also I am a multi gladiator (which is the second highest ranking in PvP)
i really want to play wow despite many people saying its not worth it. i dont want to be too late to the party since i just started playing early 2016
its 2016, am I too late to enjoy this game?
well what about the level 90 boost? level 100 boost? …. 😐 thats soooo stupid!!! level 50boost YEAH OFC then they at least learn how to fucking play the game i find healers at lvl 90 that dont even know they are gonna heal they didnt even have healing spec! 😛
I'm that one guy with 10 alts below 40 xD
I've played wow once I touched it till level 5 and got bored but I really want to get into it. It looks so fun only thing is i need someone to teach me how to play btw I'm 16 so I'm not a kid 🙂
Yo I agree with everything said here! I was going to unsub but I just realized the heirlooms can let me level PVP alts… So Ina do that till I'm bored.
Short answer is No. the simple fact is that MMORPG gamers just default back to the MMO they have the most time clocked up in, & or most people that's WoW only because it was one of the 1st to come in at a time when a lot of people were getting the internet for the 1st time. That's it, its really not a very good game.
Almost everytime a new expansion comes out,people start saying that WoW is dead! :/
I want to try and give WoW another chance, but I haven't played since mid-Cataclysm, and the reason I left back then was because the game had become much too easy for my taste, an issue that made me leave back in Wrath of the Lich King as well. For me The Burning Crusade had the best balance in it's difficulty, even though I loved how much wonder Vanilla inspired as well.
The cost absolutely does NOT justify the experience. The only reason they can still charge 15 a month is because of nostalgia and sentimental value people place on their toons. Which they are starting to run out of…
I really like the music in the beginning
How should I find a guild that is actually sociable, I have tried a few times and it seems that they never really talk in guild chat even though they say they do.
Nice video 🙂 and pretty sound behind video 🙂
I have hit level cap, and what I'm doing is creating transmogs. It's such a blast 😉
What I heard was instead of buying the game just download the ptr and fuck around
In my opinion, no. PVP was so screwed up in WOD. It relies heavily on Ashran which sucks unless you are on a 50A/50H server. Garrisons were a complete money sink with little reward (I spend 20k gold in three weeks and got pretty much no reward out of it.) I don't know about PVE now, Highmaul was not reviewed brilliantly and a lot of my guild were disappointed with it.
WoW is so fun if u played it alone , and if u wanna have more fun play with friends
My biggest issue with this game is, when I played on and off for about a year with friends, the game felt more like a job then a game. When we logged in we HAD to do this, then HAD to do that. If we didnt we missed out…
I had a job, it felt like wow had become a second job where I wasnt getting paid. In fact I paying for this job…. I quit
I once played Wow for about 5 mins. The boring combat system and easy enemies turned my off imediatly. Should I keep going or just stay where I was?
I have no intention of ever playing WoW, but I was just interested to know your opinion about the game.
Blizzard destroyed best MMORPG in the world after Cataclysm was released
I think i just my sub to WoW
wow is very much alive
You should do an updated version of this Dolan! 🙂
the only people who think that wow is easy r the HARD CORE ones who stay up all night and don't have a life out side of wow its not easy the game never was and it will never be easy i got to work and bust my ass so that i can play wow.
It's worth playing.Don't like the game you are not forced to play the ones who like'it play'it if not shut up
yea it sucks now. every raid fight is the same. dpsdps…run away from some shit on the ground…dps dps…kill some adds and do more dps.
I started in TBC and it was awesome. took me like 6 months to level to 70 and damn that felt epic. + the world pvp back than…the bg's…oh…good times man.
This video is really depressing… It probably is the harsh truth, but I somehow still want to get back to WoW after some years not having played it. It would be fantastic if Blizzard would set up some vanilla WoW servers. I'd be spending a lot of time there!
Danger Dolan, you are an evil, evil, evil man…
You were one of the three reasons, why I returned to World of Warcraft now :O