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Surface Pro 4 M3 League Of Legends Gameplay

Surface Pro 4 M3-6Y30 League of Legends gameplay with FPS. I tested out various settings and resolutions on the Surface Pro 4 M3 (Entry level model)

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  1. WHAT ON resolution 2736 x 1824 60 fps with the M3 model??? thats insane, and they call it weak??? its way better then i thought. if it hits that much. its first of all fanless, it saves much battery, and this power? no doubt i am gonna buy this model

  2. how is this possible ?? when i play lol aram on my surface pro 3 core i7 8gb Ram i become constantly 33 FPS when i go to anywhere near the enemy and 50-60 FPS while at base. And that was after i set the settings to lowest and resolution to 1680×1200 :/ i know that they've upgraded GPU on surface pro 4 but there can't be that much differences especially when mine is core i7 and yours is M3 😮

  3. the surface pro 4 is ok for gaming. not the best machine for it, but it works. league of legends can run fine for me it 60 ping average since I live in Cali. it lags when you face the elder dragon and when there are teamfights, but not so much to the point where it freezes.

  4. why does nobody have video with pvp testing? Pvp games are more demanding on the cpu and gpu than the average bot game. I think i have seen 10 videos of surface pro 4 with league of legends and all of them show it with bots.

  5. it will be good test in team fights because is when de processor needs more , i have an old HP laptop and gives me 40 fps but sometimes in teamfight gives me 12 fps … take this consideration in your next test please its very important review devices in low and high capacity 🙂 nice video

  6. You need to lock the framerate to display capacity, 60hrz for lcd – then processor won't have to strain itself to produce framerates that are not even visible.

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