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Excited to get in that War Within gameplay and kick of the new expansion? We have you covered as we go through what to expect, what we know and what to do so you don’t feel overwhelmed. From the very first war within starting quest and leveling, to gearing, early game and end game, our war within guide will have you mastering the war within launch so you know exactly the where, the what and the how 🙂
00:00 Intro
00:11 Leveling
02:05 Warbands (Account Wide Things)
03:17 New Race
04:41 Hero Talents
05:07 Delves
08:08 Dungeons
11:14 Professions
12:30 Gearing
💥Get 20% OFF with code MARCELIAN on the best in-game guide addon, ZYGOR! https://zygorguides.com/ref/Marcelian/ We use this for professions, reputation, transmogs and lot more!
"And there is too much stuff" yea not really tho
What’s the difference between going into the new expansion witha fresh character vs a level 70
Happy to confirm a fellow countrymen is actually making all these fun vids. Keep up the good work 😊
3:46 lol
Always been a fan of drill, but I wasn't suprised. As they say, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Look at these broke boys 😂
It's not here man, relase date is 26/27 🙃
17 min video to show how to start an expansion. fucking…lul.
So play the game…got it😅 jks
What do I do first? Wait two more days.
The expansion did not just launch
pos company
unholy dk or retri paladin is the hardest decision of my life … new to wow and tested bouth so far. super fun
you should of shown where to pick up the starting quets
Is brann leveling once for acc or have I level him with every char again ?
It’s not here for me. And my hype is ruined. Fuck blizz
It was worth the 40 dollars for me. Money ain’t really an issue and I have plans 3 days from now so… time to grind right now!
I think this video kinda promotes the early access which is disappointing. I wish you would try to discourage people from buying early access.
What to do first: wait for release
Love the game but hate the tedious grinding.
My subscription ends in two days. Probably jump into TWW end September. Solo events for me as no friends in the game or guild 😂
M ai castigat cand ai zis ca esti roman 😂
I paid epic edition not for early access, for the extra stuff. But for maybe first time in Wow I am experiencing a new expansion release with servers good. Glad to to payed that extra money.
Log in, accept quests, kill 10 mobs and collect 4 flowers or books, get exp.
Repeat till 80, wait till raid opens.
People are not smart in the comment and dont read or nothing
Yeah it didn't start yet. Those who support that early access insanity are a problem.
Campaign? 🤷♂️
I thought we are going back to a more gritty and dark style with the new xpac? This all still looks like flacid, limp and made for "modern audiences". I hated dragonflight because of it's heavy furry-vibe and writing made for brainrot soft zoomer generation. Chris metzen coming back he spoke how the entire game would be changed. It still looks too colorful, the UI still looks the same, combat still is the same…. I thought we are getting WoW 2.0 so to speak or was this all bla bla by Metzen? Seems like nothing has changed. Still looks like the same soft and weak slop we got the past years. In a venn diagramm the people who enjoy Dragonflight and it's writing and mouth breather furry-pdfs it would just be a circle.
Step 1: wait for 3 days to not get robbed.
People were hitting 80 in an hour lol
I like the early access. It's definitely a smooth launch experience
I don’t see the point in early access when the whole expansion is time gated by week..
The cost of 3 months of subscription for 3 early days? Supporting this kind of crap is the reason we have this downward spiral of corporation driven game design.
ROMANIAN CONFIRMED hello weird "latin" brother 😅 🇷🇴🤝🇫🇷
this gotta be the worst wow release ever. “early release” a huge scam. commin L blizzard
Flame is so funny! Great video guys, thanks!