Welcome to the Azir Champion Spotlight. Check out the full video for tips and tricks on Azir’s gameplay, abilities, and how to build, or jump to:
0:22 Play Style and Skins
0:46 Abilities
5:17 Tons of Damage Combos
6:26 Gameplay
Arise! Recognize your emperor and dig into the history of Shurima with the links below.
Azir Champion Reveal – http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/champion-reveal/azir-emperor-of-the-sands
The Shurima Story – http://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/shurima/story/index.html
Azir’s Latest Update, Patch 6.14 Notes – http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-614-notes
What a joke this champion has become, from what once was an incredible champion, to what we have now, just remove him from the game
miss this version of Azir
3:03 Never forget 🥲
Buff Azir pls
i think is tym to rework azir,
because to difficult to use..
maybe he can summoned archer (like Shaco and Zyra) rather than dashing..
and his ULTI can lunch attack by using sword while they using there shield as wall..
may the emperor of the sand look like real emperor..
Man I wish Azir would step on me…
this is faker himself
came here after faker's play
Anyone else got this video recommended after T1 win?
That's Faker.
who came to watch after faker azir play in T1 vs JDG this year
Emperor of the sands, Faker
Faker's Azir. Ruler will remember this forever lmao
The champion that erased JDG Ruler in Semi
He was the last champion to be born on the old map.
And Kalista was the first champion to never get to know the old map 🙁
pls rito, revert azir 🙁
azir is hard mechanical champion
meanwhile in my team azir got pentakill and he says : i don't know what i'm doing, i just prees a keyboard
Can't wait for this champ to be introduced in Wild Rift! 🙌🏻
if Azir came out last year people would lose their minds