Welcome to the Gnar Champion Spotlight. Discover the beast within the boy and learn to master both sides of the Missing Link …

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Welcome to the Gnar Champion Spotlight. Discover the beast within the boy and learn to master both sides of the Missing Link …
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I think this is going to be a fun champ, hopefully we see him in pro play
Hello I don't know if anyone at Riot reads these, esp on a 9 year vid, but I think I have an idea to update Gnar so he is more up to date with todays champions, while still fundamentally keep his early the same, but make it so late game is so random.
My idea is a take on "Fight or Flight" concept. So, for "fight," Make it so his W "Hyper" also has an active that gives him a set amount of rage. Let's just say 15 or 25 for example, scaling with level or AD. Early levels being an extremely long cooldown so you can't just spam Mega. For "flight," They should also make his E not a Jump, but instead a movement speed buff that expunges whatever rage he does have and turn it into bonus movement speed. The more rage, the longer or faster the movement speed buff. Encouraging rage build up, and staying mini. Give these long enough cooldowns early so that there is less control of it early and have it build up to late game. I think when it comes time to transform you can make it still the jump so he can engage like before. This way it is more controlled when you can mega and when they want to stay mini and be more mobile.
Another thing, when he fully levels up something, like W or E, it can give them more of a control for the mega. Kind of like the hulks “I’m always angry.” So make it that max W gives like 50 rage max rank. The max rank E could be giving gnar the jump back and after jumping give that bonus movement speed as well. I think if mega spamming becomes a problem, maybe make some sort of consequence when you mega, like a loss of hp and/or a slow or debuff to himself after transforming. Also extend the mega form as long as you’re in combat., with continuously building up rage while attacking, that way team fights aren’t so random. Keep everything on Mega Gnar the same. Or make it to where if he hits level 16 or max the "fight" ability that he can transform into Mega whenever he wants.
Doing all this will keep Gnar early fundamentally the same where it’s hard for him to control his anger and stances early and late game learns to control anger and his stances and can be a late game hulk. To where late game you can choose to be fast and small or a cc monstrosity. It would be so cool. I don't know the logistics of how everything would work out, I just gave examples of stats. Anyways just throwing that out there, saw a video on why nobody plays Gnar and thought this would be a cool way to update this old champ. Maybe even do a thing where he has to do the same concept as Viktor and farm to get upgrades. Hunting down minions or champions gains a stack of Hunter Intelligence; "Gain intelligence" and be like a Professor Hulk and be able to transform at will. That's a bad name, but you get what I mean. Upgraded Mini Gnar Abilities. Okay I'm done now lol. Thanks for reading.
hope he appears in wildrift soon
something adorable or something terrifying 😳😳 easter egg by alan from wr
Please bring to Wild Rift
I guess he's shadow leaked by riot in Wild rift patch 3.3…
Gnar little form reminds me of Nana.
Is gnar just special or was this an ability that ancient yordles have long ago?
Use gnar to do this and use gnar to do it and use gnar to do this and this.
Mega gnar ultimate just like kufra mlbb
such a fun looking champ
I remember gnar being the first champion I ever played because of this spotlight recently coming out, I feel old.
Anyone 2021 Dec?
2014 when he came out lol
I miss this old music screens :'(
buen video ese
7,2LoN haha 5,6LoN Jackson 16 năm trước 61 năm trước 17 năm trước 71 năm trước 70 năm trước 7 năm trước 6 năm trước 8 năm trước 9 năm trước 14 năm trước 21 năm trước 23 năm trước 22 năm trước Singapore kĩ sư iT công nghệ Thông Tin Điện Tử Viễn Thông Đại Học Bách Khoa Quốc Gia Hà Nội Đài Loan Tai ù Hỏng nghe Kém Đau Khó Thở Du Lịch Cao Đẳng Hà Nội Lâm Nghiệp Thủ Công Mỹ Nghệ Truyền Thống chuyên Truyên Bảo Vệ
I love Gnar so much he deserves his own animation. why hasn't riot given my boy his big break
Dayum this was 7 years ago.holy
Isso é LoL caralho
I remember when he was new.
Fish fishy shaaaark!
im waiting for this guy to be in wildrift
4:17 Faker senpai xD