Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight. Join the hunt for your enemies with Sivir, the Battle Mistress. Check out the full video for a guide to Sivir’s abilities, gameplay, and suggested build. Or ricochet ahead to:
0:14 Play Style and Skins
0:32 Abilities
1:40 Early Game
2:30 Tons of Damage Combos
4:27 Suggested Stats and Items
The Battle Mistress has received a full visual and gameplay rework. To check out new Sivir, follow the link below.
Champion Info – http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/sivir/
I came here to hear how Sivir is pronounced
okay so her name is pronounced siver not sivir.. good to know
funny how that 11 years later her spine is broken
Yeah new splash art boys
Sivir attacking the brother and sister of her murderer.
Sivir is basically just a one trick pony.
If you land that spell shield at the right time the enemy team gets tilted. If you don't, well then ff.
Sovor= Sivir?
wait… she has NEVER been changed since the game began???
I still use the same moves phreak described in this video 10 years later. Rip sivir mini rework T-T
This champ should be added to wild rift earlier
after all those years, sivir finally got her legendary ♥
This is a FAT throwback
Good old days when champs ain't trash
LOL innovates well as time passes
Anyone in 2021 Dec?
2021 Dec?
Rest In Peace Christiane Louise (VA of Sivir)
Petition to have Dominion come back as a rotating game mode
"sivir isn't a spell caster"
* laughs in sivir lethality *
mulher mas tu era feia…
they have similarities with ahri.
Hanabi copied her
2012 Map
Old memories
This is when I started this game
Welcome to the official league of legends champion spotlight featuring Aphellios the weapon of the faithful
League is almost unrecognizable now.
woah sivir is one of the oldest champions in LOL
“The battle mistress” – what…she throws boomerangs and sleeps with soldiers on the battlefield?
Half her abilities were replaced by future items
When you will rework her? @League of Legends
can someone boost this video up to the recommendations so sivir gets noticed for the next update?