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10 BEST Things To Do Right When You Hit Level 80 In The War Within

Retail world of warcraft at this point in time can be very expansive and there’s definitely a feeling of ‘what’s next’ that kind of comes over many people once they hit max level, especially if they’re a bit new. So today we’re going to lay out exactly what your next steps are after you hit level cap in the Quickest and most efficient way possible.


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00:00 – Intro
00:26 – World quests/ Weekly
02:20 – Heroic Dungeons
03:05 – Renown
04:30 – Rare Target Farming
05:36 – Gathering & Treasures
06:54 – Delves
08:04 – World Soul Memories
09:40 – Professions
10:22 – PvP
11:14 – Guild
12:15 – Recap (SAVE THIS!!!!)

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  1. The game is not worth anyones time or money. Blizzard has just been gaslighting everyone for so long that they are now easily exploiting your apathy and hope to get a good blizzard product again.

  2. I was part of early access and normally i have no interest in open world content with no actual player power tied to it. I actually hated dragon flight because i only logged in to do M+ since i had nothing to do.

    But since everything has been spaced out the way it has ive had time to do professions.gain better gear through outdoor content. Make gold. Its been enjoyable so far

  3. I don't really understand the world sould memories event. You spend some time in there, trying to kill as many mobs as possible, my fingers almost fell off and all i get is some key shards and 50 valor stones. It was so disappointing that I don't think I'll ever try again… 😀

  4. I appreciate the content, but as a suggestion, don’t say the NPC names with a question mark. As a viewer, if I believe you don’t know the characters names, how am I supposed to believe you’ve played the game?

  5. There is no hc world tour tonspeak of. Hc dungeons can be done as many times a day as you want. You're thinking of mythic dungeons, which won't be out until season 1

  6. It’s great that some people are already leveled up with gear and all but honestly I agree with a lot of the comments on this video about really enjoying the story and the game.. why rush when it just started. Enjoy playing on alts n leveling them up, get mounts pets and really explore the content. Before the launch I wanted to level up to the max but now that I’m playing leveled up still wanna take my time to gear up and not rush. Did the last expansion and after that had nothing to do at Max… just saying ..

  7. I know the best 10 trhing to do is to pla the game teh way you want to, and not, listen to click bait videos that tell you how to play a game you pay for… next…

  8. absolutely zero point in this idea of doing heroic world tours instead of just queing normally, and the rewards are pretty whatever, time better spent doing renown or alts

  9. I didnt get in till last night then got kicked and locked out of wow for hours it sucked. Then i was able to get back in level a bit more taking my time and enjoying everything i can. I mean nothing really unlocks till Sept 10th that you need a high gear levl for anyways and i don't have alot of time to play really. I don't want to get burnt out by rushing to end game to not even have a end game i can just level alts for now.

  10. I quit classic for retail and its been amazing and I'm glad youre making retail content.

    Only thing I'd add is checking the AH for gear. I spent like 15k/20k for like 6 561+ pieces. Can help fill in gaps when you ding.

  11. I think the one thing people aren’t discussing is how valuable side quests are this time because the campaign is so short and renown is now shared, you can basically level up a character 70-80 doing side quests in one zone. There are world quests that are locked behind side quests and there they give a decent amount of gear and gold. Everyone forgets that quest gear has a rare chance to upgrade too.

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