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5 Easy Mounts That You Can Get Before Season 1! The War Within Mount Guide

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0:00 Dungeon Guide For The War Within Expansion
1:22 Swarmite Skyhunter
3:14 Reins of the Soaring Meaderbee
4:29 Siesbarg
9:12 Beladar’s Spawn
10:50 Regurgitated Mole Reins

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  1. Delver's Dirigible mount now available, definitely the easiest you can currently get. Quest is Bountiful Delves in Dornogal. Obtain a Restored Coffer Key and complete a Bountiful Delve (do not need to use the key to complete the quest).

  2. these mount's ain't easy to get because people in wow are a pos an won't help do anything because they either think they're better than you or just fkn lazy or stuck up so stop lying

  3. Yeah no thank ya. Seisberg sounds insanely grindy for no reason at all. Collecting around 4k items and it takes 3hrs for each farm? So around 9 hrs for the entire farm plus a 6 hr respawn rare?

    Why is blizzard so bad at game design. Make mounts behind challenges. Not stupid time sinks

  4. Hey all, STRONG recommendation to do your Chitten/Venom farming in Isle of Dorn. This is because you can also get shards that count towards your Alunira mount. The best farm spot is just north east of Dornogol. Under a bridge you will see nerubians fighting snakes. In the time it took me to get all my chittens and venom I got all 10 shards for my Alunira mount. But start a new series for sure because it’s a hike. Happy hunting!!

  5. Guys I am a noob,played shadowlands and I want to ask every expansion gives you a legendary weapon or gear like shadowlands did or how it’s working? Do you even get one now?

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