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What would happen if you set up a vulpera camp? If you even can.
Blizzard: we need to save resources guys so only load in the entire content just not basements or chairs
Yo big fan of your stuff! Keep it up!
Nothing in the Lion's Pride Inn? Finally, world peace.
the aggressive part came about imo cause folks were finding ways under the map in #legion and were flying under the maps, popular one was in the Troll raid next to Karazan, you could go to the cat boss room in the outside world clip your self into the gated inside as there was a hole where the stairs are that lead to the cat boss room, folks would mount a flyer and fly into the hole letting you go anywhere under ground, so now we instant dc when the game sees us "under ground"
ya at the start of BFA blizz got aggressive with going under the map its why we "dc" when ever you go "under the map" in blizz's view, once got chained dc cause on a mage I blinked out a cave in a BFA zone & the blink ended just out side the cave but under the map to my knees & I was dced for "being under the map" . Fixed it after 4 more dcs & spamming blink till I was out of the cave be the game dc ed me again.
4 minutes ago gaming