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World of Warcraft – 10 Facts About The Burning Legion

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  1. OK it wasn't the nathreziem that mad him mad it was finding a corrupt world soul and then felt destruction was the only way to fix it and the other titans turned against him and said no we're not doing that that's when he turned against them the nathreziem only had a very small part in it

  2. You have something wrong. Saguras saw his task impossible. So he decided to kill all unborn titans. They first had to weaken the creatures on the planet. Then he would make a killing blow on the sleeping Titan. He did want another titan spirit to turn into voud lord.

  3. Funny how much #1 has changed. Archimonde was nerfed to hell and Elune/the light are being warped to be just as sinister as any other force in the Warcraft universe.

    I feel like the more they add to the lore the less interesting it gets.

  4. I feel like Sargars should have had a therapy session with his kin. This is basically depression on god-tier level – which is the worst kind. Talk to your friends and family, kids. Nothing kills the soul better than solitude.

  5. Actually sargas seen what the titans were doing and so his mission giving to him by the titans cuz the truth was the titans wanted to every planet bend to their will without knowing it with is why the light is made… sargas was scared of something something that was made by the titans the void/old gods so he rebelled and made an army known as the legion to stop this void witch is the reason sargas burned so meany planets it’s to stop the void witch is far worse then the legion

  6. Ok. Next expansion. The Old Gods wake and Sargeras breaks free to see the Old Gods rise to power. The Old Gods each set up on one of the worlds the Burning Legion conquered and twist it further. Sargeras remembers his purpose as a titan and joins with Hodir, Thorim, Freya, and Mimiron to devise a way to destroy the Old Gods onceand for all without their deaths destroying the universe. The Heroes of Azaroth journey from world to world to fight each Old God successively. With the addition of a redeemed Sargeras, new classes based on fel and void energies are released as all the world leaders, Malfurion, Illidan, Thrall, Bolvar Fordragon, Sylvanas, and Anduin realize they need to put aside their differences or they will all die. Actually, maybe the next 3 expansions, one for each Old God. Or more I', not that familiar with how many there are remaining.

  7. Thats wrong. The old gods are far less powerfuk then titans. You are thinking of void lords. the old gods are so much weaker then titans that the main titan grabbed the biggest old god on Azeroth, and ripped him out of the ground, and killed it, but it hurt Azeroth too much, so the titans created titan forged to fight old gods without hurting Azeroth. Sargeras could easily kill three hundred old gods without breaking a sweat.

  8. I always hate it when people use chaos as synonym for evil. Its not anything of the sort. You need both chaos and order to create life. Too much order and you get stagnation, or tyranny. Too much chaos and you get anarchy. You balance them and you get nice progress.

  9. Well ya see, The true purpose of the Burning Legion is to destroy all of the worlds to keep the Void from controlling the universe. And the Nathrazim who broke the code may have killed his brother, but the demons constantly respawn in their homeworld.

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