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WoW Patch 5.4 BM Hunter Guide PvE – World of Warcraft

My guide to Beast Mastery hunters in light of the patch 5.4 BM hunter changes. These were quite controversial however I think the class has turned out quite well.

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  1. im trying to keep a good dps what would be a good average to be maintaining?? i feel as tho im not getting this down pat any help or comments would be great XD

  2. I just started playing my horde hunter, and my question is with the rotation mentioned in the video where does Glaive Toss fit in?  Do you use it just as a filler or when do you suggest using it.

  3. I played Hunter back in vanilla and TBC.  Loved him.  Back then, it was mana and not a focus/energy type system.  With boosting out now, I looking at returning as a hunter.  The rotation feels (at first glance) overwhelming.  I understand priority rotations, but dang… that's a lot of short cooldowns to prioritize.

  4. well im gonna try the things you ahve suggested..i hope it helps me far i have had nothing but @s$3s in dungeons treating me like shyt……claiming i dont know how to play my toon…..frankly ..if i didnt know how to play my toon i would not have made it to 86 already in a months time

  5. Tbh i like blink strike better then crows but i use a spirit cat and use stealth on it for bigger burst. i rather my pet do 50% extra damage during whole fight instead of waiting for crows to get of cd. 50%more damage means higher kill commands beast of wraith and over all just more damage. bm is all about pet damage

  6. I am just starting out play wow for the first time already been playing for a week and a half i have done a few classes to lvl 20 to see which ones i like and i am also thinking on sticking with my bm hunter.. so i know its a stupid question but i have like no idea what you said in a lot of parts but i did learn some things.. any tips?

  7. It's not advisable to macro KC with BW. KC will not benefit from BW's +20% damage modifier due to lag. 

    Your KC will get the benefit if you have near perfect (under 20) latency. If you have high latency then using BW + KC in a macro is a DPS loss.

  8. I tried this during 5.3, and i was always out of focus and spamming cobra shot .. even as survival its hard to keep enough focus, and i hate direbeast so i went with thrill of the hunt, but even then..

  9. I find that a very helpful macro for Hunters is:

    #showtooltip Deterrence
    /cancelaura Deterrence
    /cast Deterrence

    This makes it so that I can click Deterrence, block the damage, then click the button again to continue dpsing the boss.

  10. If FF has 5 stacks and BW is off cooldown, use BW and don't cast FF until BW has ended. This makes it so your pet does increased damage from BW which is increased still by the 5 stacks of frenzy (FF).

  11. AMR tends to work well for new players who dont want to do the maths themselves. I sometimes customise stat weights though, I dont trust their maths 100%. Especially with how they fucked up some priest stuff. As for burst it depends on a few things but it doesnt really matter – its not a large difference on the whole. Still my burst damage is the highest in my guild, which has its fair share of very good hunters, so im happy.

  12. You didn't even mention Blink strikes? How? It's great for bm. Its stong with single target, better with multitarget, and with all the SoO target switching and adds in the fights, I don't find MoC choosable.

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